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  • Mastering the Money Mindset: Your Road to Riches

  • Money Mastery, Book 1
  • De : H. Warren Browne
  • Lu par : Leonie Lyons
  • Durée : 1 h et 40 min
  • 4,0 out of 5 stars (1 notation)

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Mastering the Money Mindset: Your Road to Riches

De : H. Warren Browne
Lu par : Leonie Lyons
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    Mastering the Money Mindset is the first but most important step on the road to riches.

    Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Rockefeller, Warren Buffett - what do they have in common? They mastered the money mindset and had money work for them...instead of the other way around.

    No one can embark on that journey to real riches without first understanding the importance of our view of money, how we interact with it, and how we attract it or repel it. Do we have a healthy respect for money? Do we desire it? Or do we act as if we are not worthy enough to possess it? Do we consider wealth as wicked, or do we value the power that such resources can provide, the power to make a difference in our lives and the lives of so many others?

    Without the proper money mindset you will never possess the level of wealth that is your potential. The purpose of this succinct and salient synthesis of life-altering lessons is to coach you, to open your mind to the idea of possessing real riches, to drive you to desire it so badly that it is not a matter of if but when. This concise and critical work is designed to stimulate your mind with moneymaking tips and ideas to get you started on that road to riches, to train you to maximize your full money potential.

    This money mindset is the foundation for the art of making money. This work will provide you with the firm footing required to make this happen. It will teach you how to desire it, pursue it, act on that driving desire, and achieve it. It will be the catalyst that will launch your money creativity and creation.

    Listen to this guide, then run, don't walk, down your road to riches.

    ©2018 Judy Powell (P)2018 Judy Powell and Treasure Chest Productions

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