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Couverture de Law School

Law School

De : Benjamin Law, Jenny Phang
Lu par : Benjamin Law, Jenny Phang
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    Do you accidentally get turned on while watching a nature documentary? Are you dating someone whose tattoos are the worst, but you're having the best sex of your life? Are you feeling emasculated because your girlfriend has had more one-night stands than you? Never fear: the world's first mother-son sex and relationships advice duo is here to save you from yourself.

    The longest-running regular column in The Lifted Brow , the Law School column has been offering stern warnings, enthusiastic encouragement, and sage (and not-so-sage) wisdom to desperate lovers and sexual adventurists alike since 2011.

    This collection brings the best of Law School into an excruciatingly funny and semiexplicit book of advice you never knew you needed. Hilarious, rude, and surprisingly heartwarming, Law School covers the practical and ethical dilemmas of sex and relationships from two very different perspectives. Ben and Jenny challenge the way we think and talk about the intimate in funny and earnest banter. Their advice will either save your love life or ruin it forever.

    ©2017 Benjamin Law and Jenny Phang (P)2017 Audible, Ltd

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