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Couverture de Just Like in the Movies

Just Like in the Movies

De : Ann-Katrin Byrde
Lu par : John Solo
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    Second chances only happen in the movies, right?

    Following in his starlet grandmother's footsteps, Micah West left for the bright lights of Hollywood right after high school. He's spent the last five years building a name for himself as a young and rising star and his career is definitely going places. When his grandmother passes away, Micah finally comes home again and he’s terrified. It’s the first time he’s set foot in Longwood since he wooed and won and dumped his high school sweetheart. And now he has to face his biggest critic - the man he still loves.

    Lewellyn King's life fell apart the night Mike called him from L.A. to break off their engagement and it’s never quite recovered. The whole town is convinced he hates Micah, but Lew knows the truth - he never stopped loving the alpha he'd been getting ready to marry. When he meets Mike again at the funeral, old hopes and hurts flare back up, but neither man can deny the feelings that still run strong between them.

    Mike wants to make it right. Lew wants the man he was promised. But real life can't be just like the movies. Can it?

    An novel set in the Oceanport omegaverse.

    ©2018 Ann-Katrin Byrde (P)2018 Ann-Katrin Byrde
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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