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Couverture de Judge Dredd: America

Judge Dredd: America

De : John Wagner
Lu par : Joseph Fiennes, Paterson Joseph, Matthew Jacobs Morgan
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    In Mega-City One, the Judges are the law - acting as judge, jury, and executioner. But how do the citizens really feel about a system where they are powerless? 

    America Jara and Bennett Beeny grow up as best friends, living a fairly trouble-free life in a dangerous the odd, negative encounter with a Judge. Time draws them apart, and when they are brought back together, Beeny is a successful singer and America has become involved with a terrorist organisation known as Total War, which has the Justice Department in its sights! 

    This dark and complex tale is considered to be one of the best stories to ever come out of the Judge Dredd universe.

    Featuring Joseph Fiennes as Dredd, and an ensemble cast including Paterson Joseph, and Matthew Jacobs Morgan, fans of Judge Dredd and newcomers to Mega City One alike will be transported to brutal dystopian world Dredd for an immersive listening experience like no other.

    ©1991 Rebellion 2000 AD Ltd (P)2021 Penguin Audio and Rebellion Publishing


    "It's Hollywood quality for your ears." (Mega City Book Club Podcast)

    "Some of the most iconic images from the story are brought to life well, and the black humour that permeates the best Dredd tales comes through loud and clear." (Sci Fi Bulletin)

    "This might be the most accurate representation of Judge Dredd's world seen outside of the comics themselves." (Pop Culture Bandit)

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