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Couverture de I Wish I Knew This Before My Divorce

I Wish I Knew This Before My Divorce

De : Elaine O. Foster, Joseph W. Foster
Lu par : Steve Carlson
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    I wrote this book after 25 years of working with military couples in various stages of divorce. As a psychologist, the pressure was always on to find ways to help patients embrace the suck of separation and make tracks for firm ground. 

    In the military, you learn to adapt to pain and grow from it. During boot camp, pain teaches you to believe in yourself. Survival training uses pain to teach problem-solving. But how do you thrive when faced with the mother of all pain - an unwanted divorce? Has anyone developed training for that? 

    We have. 

    My husband, Joe Foster (best-selling author of In Movement There Is Peace) and I have collected hundreds of therapy cases where one person wanted a divorce and the other didn’t. To make it into this audiobook, the strategies had to prove successful in real people’s lives to create radical change. The result is an indispensable survival guide for people who don’t want to divorce and don’t know what to do about it. 

    Using true-life stories and daily practices, you’ll discover: 

    • Why your relationship slammed into a brick wall and what you can do about it 
    • The truth about what your spouse is really running away from (hint: it’s not you) 
    • What happened to your husband/wife and who that stranger is that’s posing as them 
    • Secrets to radical acceptance that help you stay in control no matter what your spouse throws at you

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2017 Elaine Orabona Foster (P)2018 Elaine Orabona Foster

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