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Couverture de I Am Not Your Baby Mother

I Am Not Your Baby Mother

De : Candice Brathwaite
Lu par : Candice Brathwaite
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    It's about time we made motherhood more diverse.... 

    When Candice fell pregnant and stepped into the motherhood playing field, she found her experience bore little resemblance to the glossy magazine photos of women in horizontal stripe tops and the pinned discussions on Mumsnet about what pushchair to buy. Leafing through the piles of prenatal paraphernalia, she found herself wondering: 'Where are all the black mothers?' 

    Candice started blogging about motherhood in 2016 after making the simple but powerful observation that the way motherhood is portrayed in the British media is wholly unrepresentative of our society at large. 

    The result is this thought-provoking, urgent and inspirational guide to life as a black mother. It explores the various stages in between pregnancy and waving your child off at the gates of primary school, while facing hurdles such as white privilege, racial micro-aggression and unconscious bias at every point. Candice does so with her trademark sense of humour and refreshing straight-talking, and the result is a call-to-arms that will allow mums like her to take control, scrapping the parenting rulebook to mother their own way.

    ©2020 Candice Brathwaite (P)2020 Quercus Editions Limited

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    Absolutely brilliant

    Such a wonderful book! I had heard great things about it so came with high expectations and still Candice Brathwaite exceeded them! Authentic and refreshing take beyond motherhood.

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