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Couverture de How to Hack a Heartbreak

How to Hack a Heartbreak

De : Kristin Rockaway
Lu par : Amy McFadden
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    Swipe right for love. Swipe left for disaster.

    By day, Mel Strickland is an underemployed help-desk tech at a start-up incubator, Hatch, where she helps entitled brogrammers - "Hatchlings" - who can't even fix their own laptops but are apparently the next wave of start-up geniuses. By night, she goes on bad dates with misbehaving†dudes she's matched with on the ubiquitous dating app Fluttr. But after one dick pic too many, Mel has had it. Using her brilliant coding skills, she designs an app of her own, one that allows users to log harassers and abusers in online dating space. It's called JerkAlert, and it goes viral overnight. Mel is suddenly in way over her head.

    Worse still, her almost-boyfriend, the dreamy Alex Hernandez - the only non-douchey guy at Hatch - has no idea she's the brains behind the app. Soon, Mel is faced with a terrible choice: one that could destroy her career, love life, and friendships or change her life forever.

    Kristin Rockaway†is a native New Yorker and recovering corporate software engineer. After working in the IT industry for far too many years, she finally traded the city for the surf and chased her dreams out to Southern California, where she spends her days happily writing stories instead of code. When she's not working, she enjoys spending time with her husband and son and planning her next big vacation.

    ©2019 Kristin Rockaway (P)2019 Harlequin Enterprises, Limited

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