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Couverture de How the Dukes Stole Christmas

How the Dukes Stole Christmas

De : Tessa Dare, Sarah MacLean, Sophie Jordan, Joanna Shupe
Lu par : Justine Eyre
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    Christmas magic is in the air.... From the ballrooms of London, to abandoned Scottish castles, to the snowy streets of Gilded Age New York, four best-selling authors whip up some unforgettable romance...with a little help from some enchanted shortbread.

    "Meet Me in Mayfair" by Tessa Dare

    Louisa Ward needs a Christmas miracle. Unless she catches a wealthy husband at the ball tonight, the horrid, heartless Duke of Thorndale will evict her family from their beloved Mayfair home. But when her friend begs to switch dance cards, Louisa finds herself waltzing with the enemy: the horrid, heartless - and unexpectedly handsome - Thorndale himself. Now the duke's holding her future in his hands...and he's not letting go.

    "The Duke of Christmas Present" by Sarah MacLean

    Rich and ruthless, Eben, Duke of Allryd, has no time for holidays. Holidays are for whimsy and charm - the only two things his money cannot buy. Lady Jacqueline Mosby is full of both, even now, 12 years after she left to see the world. When Jacqueline returns for a single Christmas, Eben can't resist the woman he never stopped loving...or the future that had once been in reach. It will take a miracle to convince her to stay...but if ever there were a time for miracles, it's Christmas....

    "Heiress Alone" by Sophie Jordan

    When Annis Bannister's family leaves her behind in the rush to escape an impending snowstorm, she finds herself stranded in the Highlands, left to fend off brigands terrorizing the countryside, robbing homes locked up for winter. Her only hope falls on her neighbor, a surly hermit duke who unravels her with a look, then a kiss...until she fears the danger to her heart outweighs the danger of brigands and snowstorms.

    "Christmas in Central Park" by Joanna Shupe

    Women all over America devour Mrs. Walker's weekly column for recipes and advice. No one knows Rose, the column's author, can't even boil water. When the paper's owner, Duke Havemeyer, insists she host a Christmas party, Rose must scramble to find a husband, an empty mansion, and a cook. But Duke is not a man easily fooled and she fears her perfect plan is failing - especially when Duke's attentions make her feel anything but professional. To save her career will she give up her chance at love?

    ©2018 Eve Ortega, Sarah Trabucchi, Sharie Kohler, and Joanna Rotondo (P)2018 HarperCollins Publishers

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