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Couverture de Hero


De : Michael Grant
Lu par : Amanda Dolan
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    The mind-blowing conclusion to the Monster trilogy and the final installment in the Gone series from science fiction and fantasy master Michael Grant is perfect for superhero and Stephen King fans alike.

    After the fall of Perdido Beach dome, a new set of humans developed mutant powers from the rock infected with alien virus. They are the Rockborn Gang: Dekka, Shade, Cruz, Malik, Armo, and Francis. With their superpowers, they have defended the Earth from other rockborn who used their powers for evil, like Dillon Poe.

    When another rock carrying the virus strikes New York, a new foe, Bob Markovic, rises with a horrifying and nearly unstoppable ability. Markovic’s unending ambition and lack of a moral compass made him unbearable before the virus. And that was before he was a swarm of plague-ridden insects, with the power and means to take over the city - and maybe the world.

    As the Rockborn Gang try to defeat their latest villain, they will find themselves on morally gray grounds and have to make tough decisions if they want to save the world.

    In this pulse-pounding finale to the saga more than 10 years in the making, Michael Grant delivers an unforgettable conclusion while asking: What does it take to be a hero?

    Check out the entire series:

    • Gone
    • Hunger
    • Lies
    • Plague
    • Fear
    • Light
    • Monster
    • Villain
    • Hero
    ©2019 Michael Grant (P)2019 Katherine Tegen Books

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