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Couverture de Girls Like Us

Girls Like Us

De : Cristina Alger
Lu par : Kyla Garcia
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    An instant New York Times best seller

    From the New York Times best-selling author of The Banker's Wife, worlds collide when an FBI agent investigates a string of grisly murders on Long Island that raises the impossible question: What happens when the primary suspect is your father?

    FBI Agent Nell Flynn hasn't been home in 10 years. Nell and her father, Homicide Detective Martin Flynn, have never had much of a relationship. And Suffolk County will always be awash in memories of her mother, Marisol, who was murdered when Nell was just seven.

    When Martin Flynn dies in a motorcycle accident, Nell returns to the house she grew up in so that she can spread her father's ashes and close his estate. At the behest of her father's partner, Detective Lee Davis, Nell becomes involved in an investigation into the murders of two young women in Suffolk County. The further Nell digs, the more likely it seems to her that her father should be the prime suspect - and that his friends on the police force are covering his tracks. Plagued by doubts about her mother's murder - and her own role in exonerating her father in that case - Nell can't help but ask questions about who killed Ria Ruiz and Adriana Marques and why. But she may not like the answers she finds - not just about those she loves, but about herself.

    ©2019 Cristina Alger (P)2019 Penguin Audio


    One of:
    Bustle's "Perfect Vacation Read[s]" and a Beach Read Pick
    PopSugar's "Best New Books to Put in Your Beach Bag This Summer"
    PureWow's "Best Beach Reads of Summer 2019"
    Crime Reads's "Most Anticipated Crime Books of Summer"

    "[Nell] has a vulnerable, empathetic core that will pull readers in, and Alger has a feel for small-town dynamics.... The tension becomes nearly unbearable as Nell realizes she truly can't trust anyone. Readers can expect a few genuine surprises, and the light Alger shines on society's most vulnerable members is an important one. Melancholy and addictive." (Kirkus Reviews)

    "[An] excellent crime novel...[Alger] captures the social dynamics of Suffolk's eastern extremes perfectly. The first-person narrative is appropriately terse - Nell delivers a thorough report - but it occasionally surprises with a gripping depth....Highly recommended." (Booklist, starred review)

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