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Couverture de Flirt


De : Tracy Brown, Angel Mitchell, K'wan
Lu par : Honey Jones, iiKane, Gabe
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    From the biggest names in urban fiction comes a collection of unforgettable stories of urban love and its consequences.

    Flirting with Disaster by Tracy Brown

    Chloe Webster is pursuing her journalism degree at Hunter College. Then she meets Trey, a handsome and well-dressed cat with hood swagger. When Trey tells Chloe that he is pursuing a degree in psychology, Chloe thinks she has finally met someone who has his head screwed on right. But as Chole's flirtation with Trey intensifies, secrets are revealed, and she finds that she's playing with fire.

    Wild Cherry by K'wan

    Gina is married to a man who more than takes good care of her, but her life of luxury comes with a price that she's not sure she can pay anymore. Princess' man doesn't see her as any more than dollar signs as long as she keeps using her body to bring in the stacks. When Gina and Princess meet and realize that they share a common problem, they set into motion an unforgettable plot that will solve all their problems.

    Twice in a Lifetime by Angel Mitchell

    Beautiful Marley Lucas has had her heart broken before. She vows to never experience that kind of pain again - until love hits her when and where she least expects it. And this love turns out to be the most devastating of all.

    ©2009 "Flirting with Disaster” Tracy Brown; “Wild Cherry” K’wan; “Twice in a Lifetime” Angel Mitchell (P)2016 Urban Audiobooks, and Blackstone Publishing

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