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Couverture de Eden's Gate: The Ascent

Eden's Gate: The Ascent

De : Edward Brody
Lu par : Pavi Proczko
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    Book 6 of the best-selling Eden's Gate series!

    As a newly anointed member of the Mage's Guild, Gunnar begins his training under Darion and Eanos. Resistance, staves, and ranged fighting are all staples of any mage, but the pride of being a member of the guild is access to a strange device that helps its members locate areas of powerful magic.

    During a routine outing with another mage, a group of mysterious Magi attack and know more about Gunnar than any outsiders should. They know he's a Reborn, and they know he stole the Fellblade from the Sparrows. Worse, they've captured someone he loves.

    The Magi want a weapon - an ancient weapon - for her return.

    Gunnar must ascend to new heights and come face-to-face with some of the most powerful creatures in Eden's Gate if he's to get another chance at a weapon like the Fellblade. Can Gunnar beat the odds, or is the likelihood of death too much for even the whole of Unity to overcome?

    ©2019 Edward Brody (P)2019 Edward Brody

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