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Couverture de Does the Noise in My Head Bother You?

Does the Noise in My Head Bother You?

De : Steven Tyler, David Dalton
Lu par : Jeremy Davidson, Steven Tyler
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    WITH AN INTERVIEW RECORDING OF STEVEN TYLER. The no-holds-barred memoir from the legendary Aerosmith frontman has arrived. With tales of debauchery, sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll, the Demon of Screamin' describes his highs and lows as lead singer of the biggest rock band in the world.

    With his raw, sharp-edged vocals, musical versatility and unprecedented song writing skills, Tyler has, as lead singer of Aerosmith, sold millions of records and played sell-out concerts to as many as 450,000 people. Now, at last, he tells his own story, taking us on a wild rollercoaster ride through the bust-ups, binges, orgies, and good old American excess in the jaw-droppingly honest, in-your-face way that only Tyler can.

    Following a fateful meeting with his 'mutant twin', Joe Perry, in the summer of 1970, Aerosmith was formed…and the rest, as they say, is rock history. They released their first album in 1973, and by 1976 Aerosmith had gone from being nobodies to massive to off the radar, making history as a multi-platinum, chart-topping band.

    But with great success comes great excess. Nicknamed the Toxic Twins for their insatiable appetite for drugs, booze, and women, Tyler and Perry got caught up in the glamour of self-destruction - smashing each other up with guitars, having seizures, and passing out on stage. As raucous, intoxicating, and edgy as his music, this is the most outrageous rock 'n' roll autobiography of all time.

    ©2011 Steven Tyler (P)2011 HarperCollins Publishers Limited


    "Steven Tyler is one of the greats of American music." (Sir Paul McCartney)

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