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Couverture de Devil's Elbow

Devil's Elbow

De : Kristie Dickinson
Lu par : Allyson Voller
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    Harbor Springs, an idyllic resort town in northern Michigan, has always drawn visitors. However, hundreds of years before it was known for sailboats, cottages, and fudge, it was known for its hunting, fishing, and tribal conflict.

    Kylie Branson thought she was getting a quiet day at the Good Hart Beach with her boyfriend, Jason, and dog, Cupcake, until a fawn ventures down to the water for a drink. When Cupcake takes off after the fawn, Kylie and Jason chase her to the ravine of Devil's Elbow, where they discover what appears to be human remains. Intrigued by the DNA results and the types of bones left behind, Kylie delves into the history of the area and soon uncovers a secret that has been kept for hundreds of years, discovered, and then hidden again. Could the Native American sign at the bend warning of an evil spirit be more than a legend? Could there be a deeper meaning behind the local ghost stories, reported sounds of a drum, voices after dark, and even apparitions? Follow Kylie as she learns about the history behind the treacherous curve in the Tunnel of Trees known as Devil's Elbow.

    ©2016 Kristie Dickinson (P)2017 Kristie Dickinson

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