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Couverture de Death by Cop

Death by Cop

De : Wayne Reid, Judge Charles Gill
Lu par : Elizabeth Wiley
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    Forty-one seconds. That’s how long officer Scott Smith and Franklyn Reid knew each other before Reid ended up dead with a bullet in his back, shot in broad daylight by Smith. 

    Turn on the news today, and you’ll likely see a story just like this one. Details might differ, but we’re always left with the same question: How can we reduce - and eventually eliminate - unwarranted police civilian shootings?

    In 1998, Wayne Reid’s life was changed forever when his brother Franklyn was killed. Now, Wayne is honoring his brother’s memory by calling for an end to the bloodshed. 

    In Death by Cop, Wayne shares the full, unfiltered story of his brother’s case. Offering unparalleled insight into the legal process is Judge Charles D. Gill, who presided over the trial. Together, the duo present the emotional struggle both families (victim and officer) endured and highlight the courageous acts of all involved. 

    An unexpected book with an uplifting message, Death by Cop will change perceptions around police shootings and offer courage to others to tell their personal stories.

    ©2019 Wayne Reid and Charles Gill (P)2019 Wayne Reid and Charles Gill

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