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Couverture de Daddy Wanted

Daddy Wanted

De : Susi Hawke, Piper Scott
Lu par : Nick J. Russo
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    Naughty brat needs a strong guiding hand. Must love dogs. Reply ASAP.

    Toby Andrews is a busy, forgetful, scatterbrained musician with ADHD, a precocious dog named Ruffles, and a bad rep for partying too hard. When Toby’s actions put an all-important contract with a large label in jeopardy, his manager sarcastically suggests the omega needs a keeper who'll redden his bottom if he steps out of line. Toby is intrigued, so when he sees an ad for a discreet company called Rent-a-Dom while scrolling his social media page, he impulsively sends a request for a Daddy Dom to help him stay on track. 

    Thorne Barrett is a jaded, worn-out daddy of a dom who has no desire to babysit some naughty, out-of-control celebrity brat. The alpha reluctantly takes the job, promising himself he’ll find new employment when the contract is over. He doesn't know what his next step might be, but whatever it is, he hopes it will leave him stable enough so he can settle down and think about having a family of his own. 

    Neither man is precisely what the other expected. Once Thorne gets his naughty "boy" settled into a routine, Toby begins to blossom and find better ways to focus...and most importantly, stay of out trouble with the paparazzi. 

    Between band issues, a crazed stalker, an unexpected pregnancy, and a 30-day cross-country tour, Toby has a lot on his plate. Can he find stability for himself and Ruffles with Daddy Thorne? 

    This MM audiobook contains Mpreg, D/S elements, and is intended for 18-plus listeners. 

    Warning: Don't listen unless you like fun stories with feisty Chihuahuas, naughty boys who really want to be good, hot daddy alphas, a story that will keep you in stitches, and steam-filled passion. But then again, this is a Susi Hawke and Piper Scott collaboration - you already knew to expect that, didn’t you?

    ©2018 Susi Hawke, Piper Scott (P)2018 Susi Hawke, Piper Scott
    • Série : Rent-a-Dom, Volume 1
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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