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Couverture de Clear and Present Danger

Clear and Present Danger

De : Tom Clancy
Lu par : Michael Prichard
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    Don't Miss the Original Series Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan Starring John Krasinski!

    In this #1 New York Times bestselling thriller from Tom Clancy, Jack Ryan gets caught in a war between the United States and a Colombian drug cartel and uncovers a shocking conspiracy.

    When Colombian drug lords assassinate both the U.S. ambassador and the visiting head of the FBI, their actions trigger a covert response from the American government—a response that goes horribly wrong...

    As the newly named Deputy Director of Intelligence for the CIA, Jack Ryan should be privy to operations like the one in Colombia, but he’s been left completely in the dark. With the help of field officer John Clark, Ryan intends to find out what’s really going on. But while they expect danger from without, the greatest threat of all may come from within.
    Take another thrill ride with Jack Ryan.
    ©1990 Tom Clancy (P)2010 Random House


    “The issues raised are real ones, and a jump ahead of the headlines.” (The New York Times)

    “Absorbing reading...You won’t stop until you hit the last pages!” (The Wall Street Journal)

    “Rousing adventure...A crackling good yarn!” (The Washington Post)

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Clear and Present Danger

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