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  • Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls

  • The Baby-Sitters Club, Book 2
  • De : Ann M. Martin
  • Lu par : Elle Fanning
  • Durée : 2 h et 50 min

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Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls

De : Ann M. Martin
Lu par : Elle Fanning
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    Three decades after The Baby-Sitters Club first rocked our world—like scoring your own phone line, in your room!—the beloved franchise is back to binge (and share) like never before!

    In the most exciting news since we first learned of Kristy Thomas’s great idea to start the Baby-Sitters Club, the book series is now available only from Audible as an audio experience with special guest narrator Elle Fanning, the multi-talented actress and fan of BSC.

    With endearing characters and enduring storylines filled with lessons of self-discovery, the beauty of true friendship, and the power of youth-led entrepreneurship itself, the BSC has never felt more now. So, whether you’re joining the club for the first time, or the first time in quite a while, spend time with stories that transcend the ages. Gather up the kids—not to mention those nieces, nephews, and neighbors alike—for all the twists, turns, hilarity, and burns of tween life in Stoneybrook, Connecticut!

    Being a good baby-sitter isn't always easy, and the vice-president of the Baby-Sitters Club, Claudia Kishi, is learning that the hard way. She and the other club members have started getting strange calls on the job. Is it the Phantom Caller, a jewel thief who's been breaking into houses in the area? One thing is certain—the Club has to take action to protect their kids!

    ©1986 Ann M. Martin (P)2019 Audible, Inc.

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