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Couverture de Cherringham - A Cosy Crime Series Compilation

Cherringham - A Cosy Crime Series Compilation

De : Matthew Costello, Neil Richards
Lu par : Neil Dudgeon
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    Jack's a retired ex-cop from New York, seeking the simple life in Cherringham. Sarah's a Web designer who's moved back to the village find herself. But their lives are anything but quiet as the two team up to solve Cherringham's criminal mysteries. This compilation contains episodes 13 - 15:

    A Lesson in Murder:
    When Jack and Sarah are called in to investigate mysterious pranks at Cherringham Girls School, it seems at first that it might be the work of a few mean pupils with a grudge. But things quickly turn serious when a popular teacher meets a sudden, violent death.

    The Secret of Combe Castle:
    When the penniless FitzHenrys find themselves victims of a threatening campaign to oust them from their ancestral home, Jack and Sarah are called in to track down the culprit. Soon they discover that truth is often stranger than fiction, and in Combe Castle things do indeed go bump in the night...

    A Fatal Fall:
    Dylan McCabe - a labourer on a rushed Cherringham building project - has been complaining about the site's lack of safety. When he's discovered dead after a fall, it seems that Dylan's own warnings were all too true. Jack and Sarah get involved, and suddenly what looks like an accident, becomes a case of cold-blooded murder.

    Set in the sleepy English village of Cherringham, the detective series brings together an unlikely sleuthing duo: English web designer Sarah and American ex-cop Jack. Thrilling and deadly - but with a spot of tea - it's like Rosamunde Pilcher meets Inspector Barnaby. Each of the self-contained episodes is a quick listen for the morning commute, while waiting for the doctor, or when curling up with a hot cuppa. For fans of Agatha Christie's "Miss Marple series", Lilian Jackson Braun's "The Cat Who series", Caroline Graham's "Midsomer Murders", and the American TV series "Murder She Wrote", starring Angela Lansbury.

    Co-authors Neil Richards (based in the UK) and Matthew Costello (based in the US), have been writing together since the mid 90's, creating content and working on projects for the BBC, Disney Channel, Sony, ABC, Eidos, and Nintendo to name but a few. Their transatlantic collaboration has underpinned scores of TV drama scripts, computer games, radio shows, and - most recently - the successful crime fiction series Cherringham. The narrator of the audiobook, Neil Dudgeon, has been in many British television programmes including the roles of "DCI John Barnaby" in "Midsomer Murders" and "Jim Riley" in "The Life of Riley".
    ©2017 Bastei Lübbe (P)2017 Lübbe Audio

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