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Couverture de Chase: The Hunt for the Mute Poetess

Chase: The Hunt for the Mute Poetess

De : Thomas Dellenbusch
Lu par : Morgan Peter
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    Translated from the popular German book series "Movie-Length-Stories".

    Enrique "Rique" Allmers runs a security firm in Hamburg, Germany. When he encounters a young woman fleeing from pursuers through the local fish-market, he takes her under his wing. They get away but the same men - now with reinforcements - are still on their tail. Rique doesn't know who she is, or the identity of those who are after her. Because she doesn't speak a word to him...

    Please note: this audiobook is in English.
    ©2016 KopfKino-Verlag (P)2017 KopfKino-Verlag


    You genuinely don't know what's going to be the outcome of each encounter - almost every chapter ends with a cracking cliff-hanger. I would immediately have bought the next in the series, and settled in for another 'movie' on the sofa, with popcorn.
    -- Murder, Mayhem & More

    Thomas Dellenbusch has written an intriguing crime thriller. I love his fast-paced writing style.
    -- Book Reviews by Lynn

    How is the book? Fear not, it's very good. Chase [...] is a fast-paced action story the reader can easily see in their minds eye. It's taut and well organized, flowing like a movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat.
    -- Books are Theater of the Mind

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