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Couverture de Cabin Pressure

Cabin Pressure

De : John Finnemore
Lu par : Stephanie Cole, Roger Allam, Benedict Cumberbatch
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    Anyone looking to let off some steam is bound to find something to love in Cabin Pressure. The combination of snappy repartee and brilliant voice-acting makes this a side-achingly funny experience from start to finish.

    Stephanie Cole ("Doc Martin"), Benedict Cumberbatch and Roger Allam ("The Thick Of It") star in the complete first series of the hit sitcom about the pilots of a tiny charter airline for whom no job is too small, but many, many jobs are too difficult. Written by John Finnemore, writer for The News Quiz, and That Mitchell & Webb Sound.

    Run by the forbidding divorcée Carolyn Knapp-Shappey (an unfortunate marriage, namewise, but in Carolyn's opinion, marginally better than Carolyn Shappey-Knapp), her two pilots are the smooth, experienced and almost-certainly-fired-by-a-big-airline-for-all-round naughtiness Douglas, and struggling almost-competent pilot and sweaty man Martin. All-round help is provided by Carolyn's near-idiot son, Arthur....

    ©2008 John Finnemore (P)2008 BBC Audiobooks Ltd


    "Unexpectedly brilliant." - (Time Out)

    "An inspired new sitcom." - (The Observer)

    "The more I listen to John Finnemore's Cabin Pressure, the more I think what a stonking masterpiece it is. Perfect in every department." (Philip Pullman)

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Cabin Pressure

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      5 out of 5 stars


    I'm glad I didn't listened to the extract before buying it because the laughters in the background would have put me off straight away. As it happens though it's a great radio sitcom starting excellent performers and I quickly got used to the laughs. The episodes last around 30 minutes and they are all good and extremely funny. Every episode is independent from the others and it represents a new journey of this 4 people crew.. An excellent discovery!

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