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Couverture de Broken Falcon

Broken Falcon

De : Rachel Grant
Lu par : Nicol Zanzarella, Greg Tremblay
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    From USA Today best-selling author Rachel Grant comes a sizzling romantic suspense where a damaged hero’s search for missing girls endangers the one woman he can’t live without.

    Chase Johnston is leading a double life. After two years of psychological torment, the quiet, highly skilled Raptor operative now has a darker side, and he’s hellbent on bringing human-traffickers to justice - using any means necessary. The only relief he finds for his troubled mind is a woman he’ll never meet in person.

    Eden O’Keeffe is also leading a double life. By day she’s a grad student and barista, but at night she sits in front of a camera and provides companionship for those seeking entertainment, titillation, or simple conversation. She enjoys the freedom of being a siren online, but her secret career comes with risks that force her to hide her true identity at all costs.

    When Chase walks into a coffee shop and comes face to face with the one person who makes him feel again, it seems his long nightmare may be coming to an end. But in entering Eden’s world, he’s bringing that nightmare - and the danger that comes with it - to her doorstep.

    ©2021 Rachel Grant (P)2021 Rachel Grant

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