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Couverture de Brawn


De : Laurann Dohner
Lu par : Vanessa Chambers
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    Avis de l'équipe

    In the New Species series a pharmaceutical company has genetically mixed beast DNA and man DNA with sexy results. In Brawn, the fifth book of the series, one of the muscular creations is sent to live with Becca. Her father, the leader of the human task force rescuing and working with the New Species, forbids her from interacting with him. Things heat up, though, when Brawn and Becca are kidnapped by a lab looking to breed more of Brawn’s kind. With sultry and impassioned voice Vanessa Chambers performs this mix of science fiction, action, and sensual romance that will perk the animal instincts of any warm-blooded listener.


    Book 5 in the New Species series.

    One look at Brawn, and Becca is wondering how he’d look without his clothes. He’s also instantly attracted to her, but has sworn never to touch a human female. They just aren’t sturdy enough for the type of rough sex Brawn enjoys most. When he learns he’ll be living under the same roof with Becca, Brawn simply sees it as a chance to broaden his knowledge of humans. Hopefully he can do so while keeping his hands off her.…

    His good intentions go astray when they’re both kidnapped and locked together in a cage. Brawn finds himself reliving a nightmare when he’s once again subjected to breeding experiments at the hands of New Species’ enemies - who will use Becca to get what they want. Brawn and Becca will have to depend on each other if they hope to survive.

    Listener Advisory: While each New Species book is a standalone, the greatest enjoyment will come from reading them in series order.

    ©2011 Laurann Dohner (P)2013 Audible, Inc.

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