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Couverture de Believe Me

Believe Me

De : Jessica Valenti - editor, Jaclyn Friedman - editor
Lu par : Chloe Cannon, Adiagha Faizah, Jaclyn Friedman, Grace Angela Henry, Ellen Liburt, Carmela Marner, Christie Moreau, Molly Parker Myers, Tanis Parenteau, Kortnee Simmons, Jessica Valenti, Willis Williams
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    What would happen if we believed women? A groundbreaking anthology offers a potent rallying cry and theory of change

    Harvey Weinstein. Brett Kavanaugh. Jeffrey Epstein. Donald Trump. The most infamous abusers in modern American history are being outed as women speak up to publicly expose behavior that was previously only whispered about - and it's both making an impact, and sparking a backlash. From the leading, agenda-setting feminist editors of Yes Means Yes, Believe Me brings listeners into the evolving landscape of the movement against sexual violence, and outlines how trusting women is the critical foundation for future progress. In Believe Me, contributors ask and answer the crucial question: What would happen if we didn't just believe women, but acted as though they matter? If we take women's experiences of online harassment seriously, it will transform the internet. If we listen to and center survivors, we could revolutionize our systems of justice. If we believe Black women when they talk about pain, we will save countless lives. With contributions from many of the most important voices in feminism today, Believe Me is an essential road map for the #MeToo era and beyond.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2020 Jessica Valenti and Jaclyn Friedman (P)2020 Seal Press


    "Believe Me is a book that lives up to its title. Jessica Valenti and Jaclyn Friedman have brought together writers, legal experts, actors, advocates, and more, creating both a call to action and a road map for a better future - the future women deserve. It's hard to imagine a more powerful and timely portrait of the moment we're in, and where I hope we're headed." (Cecile Richards, cofounder of Supermajority and former president of Planned Parenthood)

    "Inclusive and essential... a must-have for the modern reader." (Library Journal)

    "In this urgent essay collection, feminist activists Valenti and Friedman bring together a diverse range of contributors to make the case for 'a simple but radical trust in women'. ...Consistently well-written and soundly reasoned, these essays persuasively cast the tendency to doubt women as one of America's greatest social illuminating call to action." (Publishers Weekly)

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