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Couverture de Babalon: Adventures in Sex Magick

Babalon: Adventures in Sex Magick

De : Seth Cardorra
Lu par : Persephone Rose
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    The scarlet woman. The red goddess. The girl next door.

    She is the female sexual impulse, the liberated woman, the one who is totally in charge. She's got some things to say, some sweet moves to teach, and some magick and enchantment to bestow. If you've got the fuel, then she's got the spark, so whether you strap on or strap in, it's time to get funky.

    In the crazy wisdom tradition of sassy seminal works like the Principia Discordia and the Illuminatus! Trilogy, we are treated to the haught and harrowing journey of Prophet Dick as he has a particularly raunchy and enlightening encounter with the ultimate sexual power.

    Herein you will find wisdom, spells, and a complete spiritual system that has been gently simmered in the sauce of destiny and presented to you in the most alluring and enticing form possible.

    Enjoy, achieve gnosis, find ultimate power, and when it's all over, don't forget to tip your server and wash your hands.

    ©2017 Seth Cardorra (P)2018 Seth Cardorra

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Babalon: Adventures in Sex Magick

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