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Couverture de Arch of Triumph

Arch of Triumph

De : Erich Maria Remarque
Lu par : Ralph Cosham
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    It is 1939. Despite a law banning him from performing surgery, Ravic, a German doctor and refugee living in Paris, has been treating some of the city's most elite citizens for two years on the behalf of two less-than-skillful French physicians.

    Forbidden to return to his own country and dodging the everyday dangers of jail and deportation, Ravic manages to hang on, all the while searching for the Nazi who tortured him back in Germany. And though he's given up on the possibility of love, life has a curious way of taking a turn for the romantic, even during the worst of times.

    ©1945 Erich Maria Remarque, renewed 1972 by Paulette Goddard Remarque (P)2004 Blackstone Audiobooks, published by arrangement with the Estate of Paulette Goddard Remarque


    "A great writer....[Remarque] is a craftsman of unquestionably first rank, a man who can bend his language to his will. Whether he writes of men or of inanimate nature, his touch is sensitive, firm, and sure." (The New York Times Book Review)

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Arch of Triumph

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    One of the best book listened so far..I will definitely read or listen more Remarque's books. And Ralph Cosham is a great reader.

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    • Global
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      4 out of 5 stars

    Decent book

    A good and strong story, not as remarkable as « all quiet on the western front »

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