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  • APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur - How to Publish a Book

  • De : Guy Kawasaki, Shawn Welch
  • Lu par : Lloyd Sherr
  • Durée : 6 h et 51 min
  • 4,0 out of 5 stars (1 notation)

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Couverture de APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur - How to Publish a Book

APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur - How to Publish a Book

De : Guy Kawasaki, Shawn Welch
Lu par : Lloyd Sherr
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    This version of APE was updated with the most recent content, facts, figures, tools, and resources on March 5th, 2013. To see what content has been added since the last update of APE, please visit This is version 1.2 (Baldacci).

    In 2011 the publisher of one of my books, Enchantment, could not fill an order for 500 ebook copies of the book. Because of this experience, I self-published my next book, What the Plus!, and learned first-hand that self-publishing is a complex, confusing, and idiosyncratic process. As Steve Jobs said, "There must be a better way."

    With Shawn Welch, a tech wizard, I wrote APE to help people take control of their writing careers. APE's thesis is powerful yet simple: filling the roles of Author, Publisher, and Entrepreneur yields results that rival traditional publishing. We call this "artisanal publishing" - that is, when writers who love their craft control the publishing process and produce high-quality books. APE is 411 minutes of step-by-step, tactical advice and practical inspiration. If you want a hype-filled, get-rich-quick book, you should look elsewhere. On the other hand, if you want a comprehensive and realistic guide to self-publishing, APE is the answer.

    ©2013 Guy Kawasaki & Shawn Welch (P)2013 Audible, Inc.


    " APE is easily the most comprehensive, best organized, nuts-and-bolts-useful work on self-publishing I've seen to date. I think Guy has written the bible on self-publishing, and I expect it will be recognized - and widely used - as such." (Barry Eisler, best-selling novelist)
    "As digitization creates a revolutionary opportunity for writers to become their own publishers a new self-publishing infrastructure has emerged. This book will become the standard guide to this new publishing universe." (Jason Epstein, former editorial director of Random House and co-founder of On Demand Books)
    "Guy's book is the perfect companion on the journey of independent publishing and great reading for the millions who aspire to become authors." (Atif Rafiq, General Manager, Kindle Direct Publishing at

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