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  • A Woman Like Me

  • A Memoir
  • De : Diane Abbott
  • Durée : Indisponible

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Couverture de A Woman Like Me

A Woman Like Me

De : Diane Abbott
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    A powerful memoir that tells the story of modern Britain, from one of the UK's most original and inspiring politicians.

    June 1987: Diane Abbott makes history as the first elected Black female MP in the UK. Since then, she has survived more than three decades in parliament, campaigning tirelessly for a better future for Britain, from increasing access to education through the Black Child Initiative, to consistently voting in favour of higher disability benefits. With her trademark frankness and humour, her memoir, A Woman Like Me, will celebrate an extraordinary life and encourage a new generation to surpass expectations, just as she has done.

    In her honest and moving book, Diane takes the listener through her incredible journey, from growing up in North London with her Jamaican parents to entering the Houses of Parliament as a bright and ambitious young politician. In doing so, she paints a candid portrait of what it's like to face a barrage of hostility every day, shows us how she was able to battle impostor syndrome and succeed against the odds and empowers us with the strength to change the fabric of this country for the better.

    ©2023 Diane Abbott (P)2023 Penguin Audio

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