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  • A Thousand Pieces of You

  • Firebird, Book 1
  • De : Claudia Gray
  • Lu par : Tavia Gilbert
  • Durée : 9 h et 18 min
  • 4,0 out of 5 stars (1 notation)

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A Thousand Pieces of You

De : Claudia Gray
Lu par : Tavia Gilbert
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    Avis de l'équipe

    Editors Select, November 2014 - I admit – I was initially drawn to this book by its beautiful cover, so when I found out the genre was young adult sci-fi, I was instantly on board. Marguerite is the daughter of two brilliant scientists. Her parents – with the help of two research assistants, Paul and Theo – have invented the Firebird: the first device to enable inter-dimensional travel. But when Paul betrays them, murdering her father and stealing the Firebird, Marguerite and Theo embark on a dangerous chase through parallel dimensions to exact revenge. Claudia Gray combines action, suspense, sci-fi, and romance to create an adventure you simply can’t put down. I’m looking forward to the next chapter in this series! Sam, Audible Editor


    A thousand lives.

    A thousand possibilities.

    One fate.

    Marguerite Caine grew up surrounded by cutting-edge scientific theories, thanks to her brilliant physicist parents. Yet nothing is more astounding than her mother's latest invention - a device called the Firebird, which allows people to leap into alternate dimensions.

    When Marguerite's father is murdered, all the evidence points to one person - Paul, her parents' enigmatic star student. Before the law can touch him, Paul escapes into another dimension, having committed what seems like the perfect crime. But he didn't count on Marguerite. She doesn't know if she can kill a man, but she's going to find out.

    With the help of another physics student, Theo, Marguerite chases Paul through various dimensions. In each new world Marguerite leaps to, she meets another version of Paul that has her doubting his guilt and questioning her heart. Is she doomed to repeat the same betrayal?

    As Marguerite races through these wildly different lives - a grand duchess in a Tsarist Russia, a club-hopping orphan in a futuristic London, a refugee from worldwide flooding on a station in the heart of the ocean - she is swept into an epic love affair as dangerous as it is irresistible.

    ©2014 Amy Vincent (P)2014 HarperCollins Publishers

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de A Thousand Pieces of You

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