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Les membres Amazon Prime bénéficient automatiquement de 2 livres audio offerts chez Audible.

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    At the peak of his life, David makes a serious error. His forbidden love for Bathsheba threatens to undo his entire legacy. When she becomes pregnant, he attempts to cover up the ensuing scandal by sending her husband - who serves him faithfully in his army - to his death. And for the rest of his life, he is tormented by the memory of that moment. Will he find redemption? And when his other wives suspect him of marital infidelity, will Bathsheba survive the ensuing court intrigue? Will he muster the strength to keep his promise to her and protect their son from danger?

    This is volume two of the trilogy The David Chronicles, told candidly by the king himself. David uses modern language, indicating that this is no fairytale. Rather, it is a story that is happening here and now. Listen to his voice as he undergoes a profound change, realizing the magnitude of his sin and the curse looming over his entire future.

    Do you like Middle Eastern, historical romances and forbidden love affairs? This King David novel has a modern twist like no book you have heard before, bringing King David of the Bible to life against the background of Israeli historical fiction. It paints King David's biography in a way that is both classic and timely.

    ©2014 Uvi Poznansky (P)2014 Uvi Poznansky

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