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Couverture de A Mad, Wicked Folly

A Mad, Wicked Folly

De : Sharon Biggs Waller
Lu par : Katharine Lee McEwan
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    Welcome to the world of the fabulously wealthy in London, 1909, where dresses and houses are overwhelmingly opulent, social class means everything, and women are taught to be nothing more than wives and mothers. Into this world comes 17-year-old Victoria Darling, who wants only to be an artist - a nearly impossible dream for a girl.

    After Vicky poses nude for her illicit art class, she is expelled from her French finishing school. Shamed and scandalized, her parents try to marry her off to the wealthy Edmund Carrick-Humphrey. But Vicky has other things on her mind: her clandestine application to the Royal College of Art; her participation in the suffragette movement; and her growing attraction to a working-class boy who may be her muse - or may be the love of her life. As the world of debutante balls, corsets, and high-society obligations closes in around her, Vicky must figure out: Just how much is she willing to sacrifice to pursue her dreams?

    ©2013 Sharon Biggs Waller (P)2013 Listening Library Audio


    "Waller’s intriguingly sympathetic characters, effortless and effective blend of history and romance, passion for her subject, and swift-paced plot make her a new YA voice to watch." (Booklist, starred review)

    "This book is outstanding historical fiction. Readers will become immersed in the story and admire Vicky’s commitment and risk-taking." (Library Media Connections, starred review)

    "[A] compelling coming-of-age tale that’s as good as any British period drama.... The Edwardian world here is so immersive and Vicky so likable that readers will want to put on the kettle on and settle in for a lovely read." (The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books)

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