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  • A Head Full of Knives: An Urban Fantasy Novel

  • De : Luke Smitherd
  • Lu par : Luke Smitherd
  • Durée : 9 h et 6 min
  • 5,0 out of 5 stars (1 notation)

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A Head Full of Knives: An Urban Fantasy Novel

De : Luke Smitherd
Lu par : Luke Smitherd
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    From the author of Audible #1 bestsellers In The Darkness, That's Where I'll Know You, The Physics of the Dead, and The Stone Man (shortlisted for the Audible Audiobook of the Year award 2015)

    Ever wished the world would revolve around you? Be careful what you wish for...

    Martin Hogan feels like he's being watched by everyone and everything, and doesn't know why. Even his pets are acting strangely. Each night he sees animals gathering outside his house in the darkness, staring up at his windows with glittering eyes.

    "Something is very wrong in the world…"

    Things are happening that can't be explained. People are attacking both strangers and loved ones for no apparent reason. It started gradually, almost unnoticed, but now it's beginning to escalate. Random attacks in large groups are causing people to avoid crowds at all costs, and Martin is starting to believe it's all connected to him.

    But Martin isn't paranoid. He is about to discover that he is absolutely right; the world does revolve around him, and the reason why is far worse than he could have ever imagined.

    As his life spirals deeper into the terrifying and inexplicable, Martin seeks answers, only to find himself engulfed in a high stakes struggle for the future of mankind itself.

    For the fate of human race rests solely in Martin Hogan's hands…

    Luke Smitherd, author of the Amazon and Audible best sellers The Stone Man, In The Darkness, That's Where I'll Know You, and The Physics of the Dead presents the ultimate predicament in his latest unusual and original novel. A Head Full of Knives is a supernatural mystery that asks what you would do if the fate of the world lay with you (and guarantees you'll never look at animals in quite the same way again.)

    ©2014 Luke Smitherd (P)2015 Luke Smitherd


    "I had no preconceived idea of what to expect with A Head Full of Knives, and every time I thought I knew where the storyline was heading, Smitherd deftly turned down a new and unexpected path. In a field of genre fiction overflowing with mediocrity and stale ideas - published by large and small press alike - Luke Smitherd stands out as a truly new and original voice." (

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