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  • 45 Binge Trigger Busters: How to Resist the Most Common Overeating Triggers Until They Lose Their Power Over You

  • De : Glenn Livingston
  • Lu par : Tim Sinclair
  • Durée : 4 h et 16 min
  • 4,8 out of 5 stars (4 notations)

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Couverture de 45 Binge Trigger Busters: How to Resist the Most Common Overeating Triggers Until They Lose Their Power Over You

45 Binge Trigger Busters: How to Resist the Most Common Overeating Triggers Until They Lose Their Power Over You

De : Glenn Livingston
Lu par : Tim Sinclair
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    Binge eating triggers do not cause binges…they cause desires. Each time you recognize those triggers and avoid rewarding them with food you are effectively breaking down the connection between the trigger and the desire until that same trigger no longer produces a craving at all.

    In this book we cover:

    • Emotional triggers and their busters: low self-esteem, self-doubt, boredom, feeling deprived, financial concerns, feeling fat, stress and overwhelm, loneliness, shame, anxiousness, apathy, feeling powerless, etc.
    • Physical triggers and their busters: hunger, being too tired, that time of the month, thirst, etc.
    • Environmental triggers and their busters: the smell of food, passing old haunts - restaurants, bakeries, and others - lack of planning and preparation, social situations, nasty comments about your weight, nighttime eating, etc.
    • Thought-based triggers and their busters: “one little bite won’t hurt”, “the scale doesn’t budge”, “can’t decide which diet to follow”, worried you’ll feel deprived forever, “this can’t work forever”, “not enough time for self-care”, “i can’t afford to eat healthy”, “my cravings will last forever”, etc.
    ©2019 Psy Tech Inc., and Never Ever Again, Inc. (P)2019 Psy Tech Inc, and Never Ever Again, Inc.

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