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  • 44 Secrets for Mastering Mental Toughness in Soccer

  • De : Mirsad Hasic
  • Lu par : Millian Quinteros
  • Durée : 2 h et 26 min
  • 3,0 out of 5 stars (1 notation)

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44 Secrets for Mastering Mental Toughness in Soccer

De : Mirsad Hasic
Lu par : Millian Quinteros
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    How to believe in yourself and your performance

    Are you one of those players who doesn't believe in himself and always gets discourage by his performance during games?

    In this book I will explain how to really believe in what you are doing on the soccer field, which will indirectly improve your overall performance. By believing in yourself, you will also take several steps in your development and become that successful player you always wanted to be.

    How to become a better soccer player from your setbacks

    While most soccer players want to forget about their setbacks as fast as possible, you will learn to do the complete opposite and improve your game by several levels. By studying your setbacks, you will be able to identify the pitfalls that cause your performance to fail over and over and eliminate them once for all. This is easier than you think, but you need the right tools to do so, and in this book I will explain exactly how I did it!

    How to develop a master's mind-set in soccer

    There are few things that will transform your mind-set into a master's, and I will reveal each of them and show you how to utilize them with success as well. Reaching a master's state of mind is not rocket science; it's pretty easy, actually, but you need to know the right path and the crucial ingredients. After you reach this state of mind, you will start playing like never before and dominate your games no matter what opponents you are facing.

    How to succeed in big soccer games

    There is a huge difference between playing games that don't mean anything and playing the game of your life, where failure is not an option.

    I will explain how you can succeed in these games by taking advantage of a few strategies that will help you do your very best.

    ©2013 Mirsad Hasic (P)2016 Mirsad Hasic

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