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  • Lilith: Queen of the Demons

  • Lilith Series, Book 1
  • De : May Ling Su
  • Lu par : May Ling Su
  • Durée : 3 h et 37 min

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Lilith: Queen of the Demons

De : May Ling Su
Lu par : May Ling Su
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    Before Lilith became Queen of the Demons, she was Eden's first woman.

    Lilith is eager to learn about the birds and the bees. Adam is enthralled with her, and her insatiable appetite for every fruit Eden has to offer. Until one stormy night when Lilith follows a tall dark stranger into the garden and all hell breaks loose. She falls deeply and completely in love. For the first time, Lilith discovers there is a world outside paradise and sets out on a journey to find the meaning of life and love.

    Get naked and intimate with the oldest story ever written. Possess the secret of the forbidden fruit. Find out the lengths Lilith will go to find true love in this wanton exploration of the gaping holes between the first two chapters of Genesis. This story is too sexy for the scriptures: demon sex, angel sex, Annunaki lesbian sex.... This book makes it pretty clear why Lilith was stricken from history.

    Lilith: Queen of the Demons is sexually graphic and blasphemous. Don't say I didn't warn you.

    ©2015 May Ling Su (P)2016 May Ling Su
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Érotisme

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