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Couverture de Conscious Loving Ever After

Conscious Loving Ever After

De : Kathlyn Hendricks Ph.D.
Lu par : Kathlyn Hendricks Ph.D.
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    Are you passionately dedicated to experiencing your full capacity for love? If so, you are in for a thrilling ride on the greatest journey imaginable. If that sounds like a tempting invitation, keep reading, and prepare to take in some life-altering truths: that as you get older, your love life can get better. That instead of fading, your relationships can flourish. That you can have more exquisite love and more passionate sex in the second half of life than you ever had before. Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks, the pioneering authors of the original best-selling book Conscious Loving, show you how in this guide to creating vibrant and joyful connections from your mid-40s onward.

    Midlife is a time when we all face a choice: to settle into fixed routines and beliefs or to expand toward new horizons. With candor, compassion, and plenty of humor, drawing on experiments in the "living laboratory" of their own marriage as well as stories from their clients and colleagues, Katie and Gay offer insights and practices to help you:

    • Expand and enrich love by making your own creative essence your top priority
    • Take blame and criticism out of your communication with those you love
    • Use "presencing" to tap in to the flow of intimacy in every moment
    • Attract new love into your life
    • Enjoy the best sex ever

    Whether you're partnered or single, Conscious Loving Ever After can light your way through the layers of unconscious relating that so many of us get caught in. From a set of powerful Fear Melters, a Ten-Minute Stuff Talk, and a Ten-Minute Heart Talk to a range of whole-body learning processes designed to translate ideas into action, here are the tools you need to transform your romantic life so you can thrive in your full capacity for love.

    ©2015 Hay House (P)2015 Hay House

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