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Couverture de John Finnemore's Double Acts

John Finnemore's Double Acts

De : John Finnemore
Lu par : Alison Steadman, Celia Imrie, full cast
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    Winner of the Writers Guild Award for Best Radio Comedy and the awards for Best Radio Sketch Show!

    Celia Imrie, Alison Steadman, John Bird and Rebecca Front are among the cast of these BBC Radio 4 comedy dramas from the writer and producers of Cabin Pressure.

    These six self-contained duologues, each one brimming with humour and charm, come from the pen of John Finnemore, author and star of the award-winning John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme.

    'A Flock of Tigers'. 1934. Edmund and Dolorosa are sharing a train carriage - and embarking on an unexpected adventure. Starring Charles Edwards and Celia Imrie.

    'Wysinnwyg'. In the Sales Support Department of Willard & Son, new girl Kerry meets Adele. Starring Alison Steadman and Isy Suttie.

    'Red-Handed'. Arriving home early, Joel is surprised by an unexpected visitor named Henry. Starring John Bird and Lawry Lewin.

    'The Goliath Window'. It is 1820, and Mark and Luke have arranged an appointment in the vestry of St Anne's Church, Mayton Chennett. Starring Simon Kane and John Finnemore.

    'English for Pony-Lovers'. In a German guest house, Elke is waiting to receive an English lesson from Lorna. Starring Rebecca Front and Beth Mullen.

    'Hot Desk'. A receptionist and a security guard meet every day at 7am and 7pm to hand over a desk. Starring Matthew Baynton and Jenny Bede.

    With a star cast, memorable characters, witty dialogue and beautifully crafted plots, these heart-warming plays are an utter joy. Duration: 3 hours approx

    ©2016 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P)2016 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd

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