Sharron Gold

Sharron Gold

Sharron Gold, a renowned British author, has earned accolades including the Indie Book Awards and was a finalist for The Chanticleer CLUE Awards. Her invaluable contributions to the genres of Thriller, Suspense, and Mystery have distinguished her in the literary realm. Prior to her writing endeavors she worked in the film industry as a continuity script supervisor for numerous esteemed European and international productions over two decades. Seeking new horizons, Sharron chose the enchanting village of Hallstatt in Austria as her new abode, where she merged her love for fashion and ethnic jewelry by opening a boutique. It became a trove for the exotic treasures she discovered during her explorations, particularly in India, where she supported Tibetan refugees. However, her tranquil life met an abrupt end when she endured a drugging incident, narrated in her illuminating book "SPIKED." This book is not merely a reflection of her ordeal but a critical alert about the escalating incidents of drug-related crimes, intended to protect others from comparable horrors. Sharron's purpose in writing this book is to expose the sinister realities and the clandestine perpetrators behind such crimes, not to gain financially. Despite facing dire financial circumstances and reduced to living in constrained quarters above a garage, Sharron remained resolute in her decision to not commodify her sufferings by labeling them as fiction. Regrettably, even as she strives to share her book freely, conforming to Amazon’s regulations, some continue to discount her agonizing journey as a creation of fiction. It is imperative for readers to understand the profound emotional toll involved in revealing such intensely personal and painful experiences to the world. Had her intent been monetary, presenting her ordeal as a high-stakes thriller would have been the logical choice, considering its lucrative potential. However, her choice to present her painful experiences with sincerity and transparency highlights her dedication to raising awareness about the unseen threats in our society and her resolve to shield others from such malicious acts. FROM THE AUTHOR The day "SPIKED" was published, I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. It made me realize the fear I’d been living in. Now, whatever happens to me, I’m ready because my story is out there. I wasn’t supposed to survive to tell this tale, but I did, and I believe there’s a reason. I’m here to do my best to expose the truth and the people who did this to me and send out a warning.
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Liste des produits
    • The story of a woman drugged with GhB and how she was turned into a criminal
    • De : Sharron Gold
    • Lu par : Katherine McEwan
    • Durée : 7 h et 46 min
    • Date de publication : 05/08/2016
    • Langue : Anglais
    • Pas de notations

    Prix : 14,14 € ou 1 crédit audio

    Prix avec réduction : 14,14 € ou 1 crédit audio

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