Marie-Nicole Ryan

Marie-Nicole Ryan

Marie-Nicole Ryan was born in a small western Kentucky town, but she said "Good bye" to small town life after college and marriage. After spending three years as an army wife, she landed in Nashville, TN. She spent many years working as an R.N., but finally achieved her dream of becoming a published author. She loves reading mysteries and writes romantic suspense, sometimes very erotic romantic suspense, one of which, TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, won a 2008 EPPIE for erotic romantic suspense. One of her early books, SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS, won the Golden Wings award from the publisher of that book for excellence in romantic suspense. In addition, her mystery/suspense novel, ONE TOO MANY, was a 2009 EPPIE Finalist. She's an active member of RWA and Music City Romance Writers. She has returned to her hometown. When she's not slaving away at her current work in progress, you might find her walking her dog Cassie, a sheltie rescue, or at the Y. But you won't ever find her in an airplane--no, not ever.
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