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Beyond the Goal

De : Eliyahu M. Goldratt
Lu par : Eliyahu M. Goldratt
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    Since it was first introduced in the multi-million-copy best seller The Goal, Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt's Theory of Constraints (TOC) has emerged as one of the most flexible and effective approaches to management and problem solving in the corporate world. Now taught in business schools everywhere and successfully used in companies of all sizes around the world, TOC has changed the way a generation of professionals maximize profits and resources by focusing on and clearing the constraints that get in their way.

    In Beyond The Goal, Dr. Goldratt elaborates on his profoundly influential theories in a straightforward, practical, and pragmatic presentation designed to help you put these powerful ideas to valuable use. Speaking with the brilliance and insight that has made him a sought-after teacher and top consultant, Dr. Goldratt addresses some of the most asked-about elements of understanding and applying TOC, including:

    • The basic assumptions of TOC
    • Why management assumptions must be changed to obtain lasting, bottom-line results
    • What is necessary and sufficient to establish a foundation for future success
    • The rules of operations, project management, and distribution
    • How to implement TOC as a holistic approach to continuous improvement

    Whether you're new to Dr. Goldratt's philosophy, or a TOC veteran looking for fresh strategies for turning turn concepts into consequences, Beyond The Goal makes it abundantly clear why joining the Theory of Constraints revolution has never been easier, or more important for your company and your career.

    ©2005 Eliyahu M. Goldratt (P)2005 Gildan Audio, a division of Gildan Media Corp.

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