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Couverture de Battle Mage

Battle Mage

De : Peter A. Flannery
Lu par : RD Watson
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    The world is falling to the burning shadow of the Possessed and only the power of a battle mage can save it. But the ancient bond with dragonkind is failing. Of those that answer a summoning too many are black. Black dragons are the enemy of humankind. Black dragons are mad.

    Falco Dante is a weakling in a world of warriors, but worse than this, he is the son of a madman. Driven by grief, Falco makes a decision that will drive him to the brink of despair. As he tries to come to terms with his actions Falco follows his friends to the Academy of War, an elite training school dedicated to martial excellence. But while his friends make progress he struggles to overcome his doubts and insecurity. Even Queen Catherine of Wrath has her doubts about Falco's training.

    While the Queen tries to unite the Kingdoms against the Possessed, Falco struggles to overcome his fears. Will he unlock the power trapped inside him or will he succumb to madness and murder like his father?

    ©2017 Peter A. Flannery (P)2017 Cherry Hill Publishing, LLC

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Battle Mage

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    • Egn
    • 06/04/2020

    A writer in the making... but not there yet...

    The story is entertaining and well researched, specifically on the topic of chivalry. It’s not deep knowledge, but it’s pleasant the author understood that depicting this world and its traditions as accurately as he could would make it wonderful enough...

    Now to the disappointments:
    1. in the last third part of the book, there are too many plot twists that give a false sense of suspense... a bit like those black&white movies where the hero shoots thousands of rounds without ever reloading... while facing foes at every corner
    2. as a result of the above, too many passages are there for filling
    3. most of the characters have too many debilitating burst of feelings that would render them dangerous on a battlefield and, in spite of the many happy turns of fate, would have caused the doom of any battleforce... and this has nothing to do with the possibilities offered to characters in the world of fantasy... since, the author is pitching human armies against hellish combatants, but in a classical warfare setting
    4. while the author described with accuracy the practice of chivalry, he completely failed to grasp the “practice” of war and the psychology of a soldier/warrior... that hasn't changed over millennia since the first men went to war...

    Allow me to make myself clear on the last two points:
    a. knights riding to battle is literally the modern equivalent of thousands of soldiers in humvees charging at each other... as you can imagine, there would be no occasion for soul searching or to wallow in the woes of past memories...
    b. there’s a focus required in battle that does not allow for pause and reflection in the middle of intense fighting... because it would not only endanger the individual in question, but would definitely cause the death of his/her fellow comrades... and there are no “ifs” in this case... read “the Peloponnesian wars” accounts (a war in antiquity, but the practice of warfare is close to that of the middle-ages, times of knights)... and you’ll understand these fighters were highly trained professionals and with a focus of steel that would never have allowed them to lapse in battle as the protagonists often do in the novel

    I point these facts, because if the author had researched the psychology of combatants as he did that of their environment and traditions... this book would have been a gem... because the inventiveness of the story itself is to commend...

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    one of the best audio book i have listened to

    the plot are great and never end the way you think they will, it is a constant surprise . The caracters are well made and the performance of the reader/voice actor is very good . It is a book a that you do not want to quit listening to until the end.

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    Amazing story, Ok performance

    The story is detailed and captivating, I think I will listen to it again and again. However the reader sometimes makes mistakes in the pronunciation of certain words, and will sometimes change the way he pronounces a name. It can be of putting, but a thoroughly enjoyable experience all the same!

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