
  • CoParent Partners
    May 1 2024

    Welcome all back to another Episode of The Fairly Odd CoParents! Today we talk....coparent partners. How are we navigating our coparents partners. What is coming up for us within this endeavor. How are we succeeding and where can we grow. Also, you get to see us work through some decisions together this episode and get a glimpse of how our communication works.

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    1 h et 3 min
  • Module 4: Boundaries
    Apr 24 2024

    Today is all about boundaries! What are boundaries? We discuss them, how they are helpful and why they are so important. We discuss what requests look like and what boundaries look like. Also, we discuss why maybe in a coparent relationship that isn't amicable, boundaries are best to actually be able to move you forward. Boundaries! There a good thing when done correctly.

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    1 h et 6 min
  • Module 3: Communication
    Apr 17 2024

    Ayyyyyyyy!! The Fairly Odd Coparents are back to talk about......COMMUNICATION. What communication works and what doesn't. We share how we recently had to go through our own communication opportunities recently. We explain how we overcame it utilizing healthy communication and he we got back to being in a good place. If you want to know what healthy communication sounds like, then we have the episode for you.

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    1 h et 10 min
  • Module 2: Values
    Apr 10 2024

    We are back with another module! Module 2 is all about Values and why they are important. Also, we go step by step of how to create values for your coparenting dynamic. We share what we created and what 4 values we came up with. Let us know what yall think!

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    53 min
  • Module 1: Healing
    Mar 13 2024

    Hello and welcome back to the podcast! Nessa and I have begun to go into our modules that is our foundation for our coparent coaching. And module 1 consists of healing. To assist us in this episode Eduardo, Nessa's husband, has graciously allowed us to interview him and provide insight to some key tools we will be discussing. Tools include: Acknowledging the hurt, shifting out of victim, forgiveness, core belief statements and more.

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    1 h et 9 min
  • The Kids
    Mar 6 2024

    This episode is all about our takeaways from our kids. The importance of knowing your child or children and what kind of language works for them. We also discussed the importance of knowing your individual strengths as a parent. Nessa and I share we we think each others strengths are and how we lean on them. Lastly, we talk about how our kids can be a direct reflection of ourselves and to assess what we may be doing to invoke behaviors. And of course, we end with a dance party!

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    1 h et 4 min
  • Key Takeaways From Divorce
    Feb 28 2024

    This episode is all about our takeaways from our divorce. Key takeaway 1 Acknowledging the hurt and healing...eventually. Key takeaway 2 Learning to overcome. Key takeaway 3 What we didn't want the kids to see & our coparent birth. This episode was deep and vulnerable for us. We definitely discuss our emotions and our hurt. Also, how we've been able to move forward still.

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    1 h
  • Key Takeaways From Our Marriage
    Feb 21 2024

    Welcome Back! We hope you enjoy our new way of beginning the show and the episode as a whole. We discuss some key things that have supported our coparenting experience from our marriage. Yes we are divorced, and yes there are some things that worked for us during marriage. Why not capitalize on them. And with any relationship that ends, there were some things that worked. And if not, make some! for the sake of the child! I digress. Enjoy the episode and let us know what you think!

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    1 h et 1 min