
  • Episode 72: Physician Mentorship and Collaborative Practice Endeavor in Matchmaking Nurse Practitioner with Physicians
    Jun 3 2024

    Welcome to Episode 72 of the Sustainable Clinical Medicine Podcast!

    In today's episode, Dr. Sarah Smith sits down with Dr. Annie DePasquale, a family physician with a diverse clinical background. From working in family medicine clinics to mentoring nurse practitioners and pioneering a successful matchmaking venture for clinicians, Dr. DePasquale's journey is both inspiring and transformative.

    Here are 3 key takeaways from this episode:

    1. Learn about Dr. DePasquale's venture matching nurse practitioners with collaborating physicians, helping 4,000 NPs nationwide!
    2. Discover how she found work-life balance and fulfillment in mentoring, teaching, and managing a thriving business.
    3. Uncover the positive impact of collaborative programs in healthcare and the evolving regulations affecting nurse practitioners.

    Dr. Annie DePasquale Bio:

    Dr. Annie DePasquale, MD is a Board-certified Family Medicine physician who first-hand saw an unmet need for her NP colleagues who need a supervising physician to practice independently.

    Dr. Annie DePasquale studied Piano & French as an Undergrad at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania before graduating from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia and completing her Facility Medicine Residency program at Georgetown University in Washington DC. She taught for the Teach America program in Baltimore, MD and worked for Federally Qualified Health Centers in Washington, DC, Medford, OR & Lynchburg, VA.

    In 2020, Dr. Annie DePasquale founded Collaborating Docs when she realized how hard it is for NPs to find a collaborating physician. The hoops that nurse practitioners have to jump through to start practicing are too exhausting for anyone to handle alone. Dr. DePasquale benefited greatly from the mentorship of NPs throughout her career, especially when she was a green new grad, so she is very committed to giving back to the community that helped her so much.

    Our mission is to make it easy for NPs to help more patients by having the freedom of choice. Collaborating Docs has helped over 2500 NPs match with collaborating physicians.


    Would you like to view a transcript of this episode? Click here

    **** Charting Champions is a premiere, lifetime access Physician only program that is helping Physicians get home with today's work done. All the proven tools, support and community you need to create time for your life outside of medicine.

    Learn more at https://www.chartingcoach.ca

    **** Enjoying this podcast? Please share it with someone who would benefit. Also, don’t forget to hit “follow” so you get all the new episodes as soon as they are released.

    **** Come hang out with me on Facebook or Instagram. Follow me @chartingcoach to get more practical tools to help you create sustainable clinical medicine in your life.

    **** Questions? Comments? Want to share how this podcast has helped you? Shoot me an email at admin@reachcareercoaching.ca. I would love to hear from you.

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    30 min
  • Episode 71: From Burnout To Balance & Finding Joy at Work
    May 27 2024

    Welcome to Episode 71 of the Sustainable Clinical Medicine Podcast!

    In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Rob Orman, a seasoned emergency physician turned medical educator and coach. Diving into the crucial topic of burnout in the medical field and exploring the navigation of stress, overwhelm, and ultimately finding fulfillment.

    Join us as we uncover practical strategies for creating sustainable models of clinical medicine and prioritizing well-being in the demanding world of healthcare.

    Here are 3 key takeaways from this episode:

    1. Reflection & Resilience: Dr. Orman highlights the significance of slowing down to reflect on decision-making processes, documentation practices, and interactions with colleagues. Building resilience and patience in clinical practice can combat burnout and enhance overall well-being.
    2. Small Changes, Big Impact: Instead of seeking immediate and drastic changes, Dr. Orman emphasizes the power of making small, manageable adjustments and building upon them. Taking micro steps towards sustainable habits can lead to lasting improvements in work-life balance.
    3. Personal & Professional Alignment: Dr. Orman's journey showcases the importance of aligning personal passions with professional pursuits. Finding joy in your career and addressing stress through self-reflection and mindset shifts can transform your approach to clinical medicine and enhance job satisfaction.

    Dr. Rob Orman Bio:

    Rob Orman, MD spent 21 years as a community emergency physician and is a certified executive coach who works with doctors to build resilience within their medical practices, deconstructing ideas and strategies to live and work with intent. He specializes in helping doctors reverse maladaptive behaviors that might threaten their jobs and relationships.


    Would you like to view a transcript of this episode? Click here

    **** Charting Champions is a premiere, lifetime access Physician only program that is helping Physicians get home with today's work done. All the proven tools, support and community you need to create time for your life outside of medicine.

    Learn more at https://www.chartingcoach.ca

    **** Enjoying this podcast? Please share it with someone who would benefit. Also, don’t forget to hit “follow” so you get all the new episodes as soon as they are released.

    **** Come hang out with me on Facebook or Instagram. Follow me @chartingcoach to get more practical tools to help you create sustainable clinical medicine in your life.

    **** Questions? Comments? Want to share how this podcast has helped you? Shoot me an email at admin@reachcareercoaching.ca. I would love to hear from you.

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    57 min
  • Episode 70: The Burnout Dilemma Revitalizing Clinical Medicine
    May 20 2024

    Welcome to Episode 70 of the Sustainable Clinical Medicine Podcast!

    In today's episode, our host, Dr. Sarah Smith, engages in a captivating conversation with the renowned Dr. Dike Drummond.

    Dr. Drummond shares his fascinating journey from physician to burnout coach, highlighting his experiences in addressing physician burnout and the sustainability of medical practices. He discusses the impact of his work, emphasizing strategies to manage burnout and cultivate a balanced career.

    Join us as we explore the vital importance of understanding and pursuing an ideal job description in the medical profession and the profound impact it can have on physician well-being.

    Here are 3 key takeaways from this episode:

    1️⃣ Burnout is not a problem to solve, but a challenge to manage. Dr. Drummond emphasizes the need for a strategy, not a definitive solution, in preventing and recovering from burnout.

    2️⃣ Identifying your ideal job description and aligning it with your current role is crucial. Understanding the overlap between your current and ideal job feelings can help guide necessary adjustments for a more fulfilling practice.

    3️⃣ For solo practitioners, setting boundaries and delegating tasks can be game-changers in preventing burnout. Dr. Drummond highlights the benefits of direct pay models and negotiating service packages with patients.

    Dr. Dike Drummond Bio:

    Dr. Dike Drummond is a Mayo trained Family Practice physician, burnout survivor, executive coach and founder of TheHappyMD.com. He teaches simple methods to lower stress, build more life balance and a more ideal practice. These tools were discovered and tested via Dr. Drummond’s 3000 hours of physician coaching experience. Since 2010, he has also delivered live burnout prevention training to over 40,000 physicians on behalf of 175 corporate and association clients on four continents.

    So, grab your stethoscope, and let's embark on this insightful and empowering episode.


    Would you like to view a transcript of this episode? Click here

    **** Charting Champions is a premiere, lifetime access Physician only program that is helping Physicians get home with today's work done. All the proven tools, support and community you need to create time for your life outside of medicine.

    Learn more at https://www.chartingcoach.ca

    **** Enjoying this podcast? Please share it with someone who would benefit. Also, don’t forget to hit “follow” so you get all the new episodes as soon as they are released.

    **** Come hang out with me on Facebook or Instagram. Follow me @chartingcoach to get more practical tools to help you create sustainable clinical medicine in your life.

    **** Questions? Comments? Want to share how this podcast has helped you? Shoot me an email at admin@reachcareercoaching.ca. I would love to hear from you.

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    51 min
  • Episode 69: Impact of uncertainty on medical decision-making.
    May 13 2024

    Welcome to Episode 69 of the Sustainable Clinical Medicine Podcast!

    In this solo episode, Dr. Smith delves into the theme of uncertainty in family practice, sharing insightful scenarios and thought-provoking perspectives. She explores the impact of negative thinking on clinical decision-making and presents a compelling case for changing thought patterns to transform outcomes.

    From navigating self-doubt and anxiety in medical practice to advocating for self-confidence and self-compassion, Dr. Smith offers practical advice for healthcare providers.

    Join us as we explore the transformative power of deliberate thought and its profound impact on sustainable clinical practice.

    Here are 3 key takeaways from this episode:

    1️⃣ Thoughts and beliefs drive feelings, actions, and results – and they can be deliberately changed. Physicians can rewire their autopilot and build resilience in the face of uncertainty.

    2️⃣ Coping with uncertainty in medical decision-making is crucial for maintaining strong doctor-patient relationships and managing stress. Learning to trust yourself and seeking support from colleagues can make a significant difference.

    3️⃣ Embracing self-doubt and anxiety in clinical practice and redirecting them to self-compassion and self-confidence is essential. It's time to shift from seeking constant validation to fostering a positive mindset to create better patient outcomes.

    Tune in to gain valuable insights on managing uncertainty and reshaping your approach to clinical practice. Join the conversation and let's work towards creating sustainable and fulfilling clinical experiences!


    Would you like to view a transcript of this episode? Click here

    **** Charting Champions is a premiere, lifetime access Physician only program that is helping Physicians get home with today's work done. All the proven tools, support and community you need to create time for your life outside of medicine.

    Learn more at https://www.chartingcoach.ca

    **** Enjoying this podcast? Please share it with someone who would benefit. Also, don’t forget to hit “follow” so you get all the new episodes as soon as they are released.

    **** Come hang out with me on Facebook or Instagram. Follow me @chartingcoach to get more practical tools to help you create sustainable clinical medicine in your life.

    **** Questions? Comments? Want to share how this podcast has helped you? Shoot me an email at admin@reachcareercoaching.ca. I would love to hear from you.

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    1 h
  • Episode 68: Executive Leadership Development: Empowering Physicians To Be Successful
    May 6 2024

    In Episode 68 of the Sustainable Clinical Medicine Podcast, we have the privilege of hearing from Dr. Debrah Wirtzfeld, a retired surgical oncologist and executive healthcare administrator turned executive coach and consultant.

    Dr. Wirtzfeld takes us through her fascinating journey, from her impactful roles in the medical field to her current focus on leadership and professional development. She shares insights on skills development, career growth, and the progress of healthcare systems, with a particular emphasis on creating sustainable workflows for physicians.

    Join us as we explore the evolution of the surgical culture, mentorship, finding work-life balance, and the importance of self-compassion in the healthcare industry.

    Here are 3 takeaways from this episode:

    1. Building a sustainable career in clinical medicine requires intentional and consistent work to enhance performance through building potential and addressing limitations.

    2. Setting boundaries is paramount to sustainability in clinical medicine.

    3. Intentionally addressing time management and focus is vital to sustainability in clinical medicine

    Dr. Debrah Wirtzfeld Bio:

    Dr. Debrah Wirtzfeld is a retired senior healthcare executive and physician leader with over 15 years of experience working with senior and executive leaders in developing their unrecognized potential. As Founder and CEO of MD Confidence Consulting Inc., she has a passion for assisting clients in successfully navigating sustainable and impactful leadership challenges and career transitions. The power of her approach is found in engaging clients around the Gallwey (Timothy Gallwey) equation “Empowered Performance = Potential – Interference”. She challenges clients to expand their strategic networks, focus their time and attention, step up to act despite fear or a lack of confidence, and own their successes in order to optimize their potential. She has incorporated this approach into her wildly successful ‘She Knows ShiFt!’ Career Transitions Coaching Package.

    Debrah holds an MD from the University of Calgary, an MBA and Certificate in Executive Coaching from Royal Roads University, and an ICD.D from Rotman School of Management. She is certified in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Individuals, Leadership, and Teamwork), PROSCI® Change Management, EQi-2.0, and as a facilitator for Crucial Conversations. She currently sits as the Board Chair of the Canadian Physician Coaches Network (CPCN or www.Coach4MD.org ).

    Connect and learn more from Dr. Wirtzfeld:

    • https://www.linkedin.com/in/debrah-wirtzfeld-md-mba-pcc-91281819/
    • www.sheknowsshift.com


    Would you like to view a transcript of this episode? Click here

    **** Charting Champions is a premiere, lifetime access Physician only program that is helping Physicians get home with today's work done. All the proven tools, support and community you need to create time for your life outside of medicine.

    Learn more at https://www.chartingcoach.ca

    **** Enjoying this podcast? Please share it with someone who would benefit. Also, don’t forget to hit “follow” so you get all the new episodes as soon as they are released.

    **** Come hang out with me on Facebook or Instagram. Follow me @chartingcoach to get more practical tools to help you create sustainable clinical medicine in your life.

    **** Questions? Comments? Want to share how this podcast has helped you? Shoot me an email at admin@reachcareercoaching.ca. I would love to hear from you.

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    33 min
  • Episode 67: Breaking Barriers And Fueling Change In Gender Expectations in Medicine
    Apr 29 2024

    Welcome to Episode 67 of the Sustainable Clinical Medicine Podcast!

    In this episode, Dr. Sarah Smith sits down with special guest Dr. Sasha Shillcutt, a cardiac anesthesiologist and professor, to discuss the crucial topic of setting boundaries in the medical field.

    Dr. Shillcutt also sheds light on her efforts to provide support for women physicians through her Brave conference, empowering them to create positive change in their professional and personal lives.

    Join us as we explore the vital role of boundaries in achieving sustainability and work-life balance in clinical medicine.

    Here are 3 key takeaways from this episode:

    1️⃣ Set Boundaries, Embrace Empowerment: As physicians, setting boundaries is crucial for avoiding burnout and embracing sustainability.

    2️⃣ The Power of Support and Community: Dr. Shillcutt's Brave conference for women physicians has brought about positive transformations, from career shifts to a profound sense of community support and improved work-life balance. It's a testament to the impactful changes that can arise from empowering and connecting with like-minded individuals.

    3️⃣ Embrace Diversity in Leadership: The conversation navigated the complexities women face in leadership roles, grappling with gender expectations, and finding authentic expressions.

    Dr. Shillcutt advocates for embracing diverse leadership styles for women, fostering an environment where individuals can lead authentically and with confidence.

    Dr. Sasha Shillcutt Bio:

    Sasha K. Shillcutt, MD, MS, FASE is a tenured and endowed Professor and the Vice Chair of Strategy in the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska. Sasha is CEO & Founder of Brave Enough, a well-published researcher in cardiac anesthesiology and gender equity, author, and international speaker.

    Sasha has taught thousands of women to achieve work-life control through her courses and conferences. She speaks frequently to executives and leaders on the topics of professional resilience and gender equity. Her TEDx talk titled Resilience: The Art of Failing Forward has been viewed by thousands of people. Her writing has been published in both the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine and JAMA.

    She leads conferences and retreats for professional women through her organization, Brave Enough. A best-selling author, her first book Between Grit and Grace: How to be Feminine and Formidable, has sold thousands of copies and her second book, Brave Boundaries: Strategies to Say No, Stand Strong and Take Control of Your Time, was released in September of 2022.


    Would you like to view a transcript of this episode? Click here

    **** Charting Champions is a premiere, lifetime access Physician only program that is helping Physicians get home with today's work done. All the proven tools, support and community you need to create time for your life outside of medicine.

    Learn more at https://www.chartingcoach.ca

    **** Enjoying this podcast? Please share it with someone who would benefit. Also, don’t forget to hit “follow” so you get all the new episodes as soon as they are released.

    **** Come hang out with me on Facebook or Instagram. Follow me @chartingcoach to get more practical tools to help you create sustainable clinical medicine in your life.

    **** Questions? Comments? Want to share how this podcast has helped you? Shoot me an email at admin@reachcareercoaching.ca. I would love to hear from you.

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    37 min
  • Episode 66: Marketing Strategies for Healthcare Providers and Optimizing Patient Experience
    Apr 22 2024

    In today's Episode #66, our host, Dr. Sarah Smith, engages in a thought-provoking conversation with marketing agency owner, Carl White.

    The focus of their discussion is on the challenges and motivations of transitioning from employed positions to owning a private practice within the US healthcare system.

    Join us as we explore the insights and experiences of Carl White in navigating the landscape of private healthcare practice and marketing to attract new patients in a competitive market.

    Here are 3 key takeaways from this episode:

    1️⃣ Importance of differentiation and patient benefits in a competitive market.

    2️⃣ The significance of understanding values, strengths, and goals for improving collaboration and guiding decisions.

    3️⃣ The need for strategic thinking in differentiating a business and the impact of marketing as an essential tool for reaching a wider audience.

    Carl White Bio:

    Carl White, founder of MarketVisory Group, focuses on helping private practices in healthcare stay private.

    Carl has over 20 years of experience doing marketing in healthcare. For much of his career he worked at Baxter and Hollister.

    In 2017 he launched MarketVisory Group so he can broaden his reach and work with a wide variety of doctors, clinicians, and patients. He’s been published in Middle Market Executive, The National Society of Certified Healthcare Business Consultants (NSCHBC), and Grade.us.

    Carl hosts PracticeCare, a weekly podcast offering bite-sized business advice to healthcare practice owners. He’s a member of the NSCHBC and a certified consultant with Duct Tape Marketing. He lives in Northbrook, IL.


    Would you like to view a transcript of this episode? Click here

    **** Charting Champions is a premiere, lifetime access Physician only program that is helping Physicians get home with today's work done. All the proven tools, support and community you need to create time for your life outside of medicine.

    Learn more at https://www.chartingcoach.ca

    **** Enjoying this podcast? Please share it with someone who would benefit. Also, don’t forget to hit “follow” so you get all the new episodes as soon as they are released.

    **** Come hang out with me on Facebook or Instagram. Follow me @chartingcoach to get more practical tools to help you create sustainable clinical medicine in your life.

    **** Questions? Comments? Want to share how this podcast has helped you? Shoot me an email at admin@reachcareercoaching.ca. I would love to hear from you.

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    42 min
  • Episode 65: Charting New Paths A Physician's Evolution To Finding Fulfillment
    Apr 15 2024

    In today's Episode #65, we have the privilege of hearing from Dr. Heather Fork, a former dermatologist turned career coach for physicians.

    Dr. Fork candidly discusses the burden and responsibility physicians feel towards their patients and the challenges they face in managing these emotions. She shares her own journey of feeling unhappy and stressed after 9 years of owning a solo practice, and how she made the courageous decision to transition out of clinical practice and find fulfillment in a new career.

    As a career coach, Dr. Fork now helps physicians navigate their career paths and supports them in finding their best path forward.

    Here are 3 key takeaways from this episode:

    1️⃣ Seeking Help: Dr. Fork emphasizes the importance of physicians seeking support if they are struggling with the burden and responsibility they feel towards their patients. It's crucial to challenge assumptions, understand motivations for entering medicine, and not rely solely on "mind tricks" to address challenges.

    2️⃣ Work-Life Balance: Dr. Fork's highlights the importance of proactively exploring other possibilities for professional fulfillment and not being afraid to make a change if it aligns with your well-being.

    3️⃣ Career Transition: Dr. Fork's transition from clinical practice to becoming a career coach for physicians showcases the potential for physicians to find happiness and fulfillment beyond traditional clinical roles. Her upcoming course for physicians at the Crossroads aims to equip them with various career options and examples of finding happiness in clinical practice and beyond.

    Dr. Heather Fork Bio:

    Dr. Heather Fork is a former dermatologist and Founder of the Doctor’s Crossing, a company that offers career coaching for physicians at the white coat crossroads. As an ICF master certified coach, she helps physicians find greater happiness and fulfillment in their careers, both in clinical practice and nonclinical positions.

    For 14 years she has been working with physicians to find the career path that works best for them which she considers her calling and is most honoured to serve in this way.

    Heather hosts the popular Doctor’s Crossing Carpe Diem Podcast and is passionate about making the career transformation process doable, fun, and accessible to as many physicians as possible.


    Would you like to view a transcript of this episode? Click here

    **** Charting Champions is a premiere, lifetime access Physician only program that is helping Physicians get home with today's work done. All the proven tools, support and community you need to create time for your life outside of medicine.

    Learn more at https://www.chartingcoach.ca

    **** Enjoying this podcast? Please share it with someone who would benefit. Also, don’t forget to hit “follow” so you get all the new episodes as soon as they are released.

    **** Come hang out with me on Facebook or Instagram. Follow me @chartingcoach to get more practical tools to help you create sustainable clinical medicine in your life.

    **** Questions? Comments? Want to share how this podcast has helped you? Shoot me an email at admin@reachcareercoaching.ca. I would love to hear from you.

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    36 min