
  • How Deep do you Dive?
    Apr 21 2023

    Janette talks about how to dive into the deep, and even if it’s something that you should do? They discuss the shame and guilt loop, and how it affects you. They discuss the knowledge and wisdom of understanding pain, or your body and how you can understand this organically, and how we lose this as time goes on.  Janette talks about her first visit to an osteopath, and how amazing the process was, and how the osteopath worked with frequency and energy.

    She discussed the ancient medicine still present in the field of osteopathy, how Western Medicine is missing so much, and the differences in how Eastern medicine originates as self-regulating medicine and required no Doctors. They discuss how to make Energy ready and available for people who really desperately need it.  They discuss who the wealthiest people were in history, and if we can remember them, or can we remember the holy masters of that time? Who do we remember? 

    Visit: www.platinumlighthealing.com Visit: www.jupitermeridian.com Join our spiritual community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/meridianmindset

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    51 min
  • Exploring the Chaos and Beauty of Our World
    Apr 14 2023

    Tom and Janette discuss the chaos and the beauty of the world we live in. Humans think and believe that we know what we’re doing, like an ant farm, are we doing what we know we should be doing, or what we're programmed to do? We hear so often that we should step into our power, but how often do we step into our weaknesses? Why don’t we as a society examine, look at, and accept those things we don’t like about ourselves, or areas where we need improvement?  Can we look at ourselves without guilt, blame, and lower vibrational thoughts?

    What are the fronts that you wear so the rest of the world doesn’t see your vulnerabilities? Janette was being “sneaky sneaky” trying to capture a reel during the podcast, and she got caught!

    Tom and Janette discuss the differences in their energies, how it works for them, and how those differences make their relationships work. Janette talks about recently having to recharge because of events in her life, which is a new feeling to her.  They talk about approaching sickness from a new mindset and using Energy to help perspective and healing. Words alone can bring illness and disease, what are you saying to yourself?

    When did sex lose its sacredness?

    Visit: www.platinumlighthealing.com
    Visit: www.jupitermeridian.com
    Join our spiritual community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/meridianmindset

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    53 min
  • The Good, the Bad, The UFO Invasion
    Apr 7 2023

    Tom and Janette discuss the recent events of The USA/Canada’s joint takedown of 4 unidentified flying objects.  What do you, the listener, feel about the possibility that we are being visited by alien beings, and our governments are shooting first, and asking questions later? (so it would appear) They wonder what could be going on here, and what are the possible scenarios that could be happening.  Janette and Tom discuss the similarities between the human population on this planet, and the observation of an ant farm, from the overseer's perspective. They also discuss how easily we give our energy away, and subject ourselves to the energies of other people, thus taking on physical, emotional, and mental symptoms that aren’t even our own.

    Visit: www.platinumlighthealing.com Visit: www.jupitermeridian.com Join our spiritual community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/meridianmindset

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    49 min
  • The Illusion of Normalcy
    Mar 31 2023

    Tom asks Janette, we’re normal, aren’t we? Janette suggests that in some ways, sure they are, in other ways…. probably not.  They discuss why, if you don’t fit in, stop looking in the mirror and look around you for answers. Tom and Janette discuss the various stages of aging and how people and their aging paradigms are working for them or against them. They have a very heavy and emotional conversation about their personal experiences with the transition of dying. 

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    52 min
  • Janette’s Superpower
    Mar 24 2023

    Janette decides to put herself on the spot, and talk about some of the things she has experienced, and what she believes to be true to her. Janette reveals how she came to and is realizing, and actualizing her superpower. She reveals some of the otherworldly sensations, communication, and comprehension she has received. Are we part of a galactic race? Are we biased about our human view and perspective to the cosmos?

    Visit: www.platinumlighthealing.com

    Visit: www.jupitermeridian.com

    Join our spiritual community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/meridianmindset

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    47 min
  • The Black Knight Awaits!!
    Mar 11 2023

    Tom and Janette discuss the black knight satellite and a new theory on what it could possibly be.  The alien theory? The drone theory? Something even more out there, but incredibly close to us as well.  How does that satellite lead us to channel, and how has it been scientifically observed? Would you let another being take over your body? Imagine having an all-access pass to the universe. How do you respond to your “pulls” from the universe?

    Visit: www.platinumlighthealing.com


    Join our spiritual community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/meridianmindset

    Book a Reiki Session - https://platinumlighthealing.com

    Get an Energetic Armour - https://jupitermeridian.com/product/custom-traditional-silk-mala

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    46 min
  • It’s 2023, this is not acceptable!
    Mar 3 2023

    Janette and Tom talk about how to start to be a hero in your own life, even if you’re a professional hippie. Realizing that our babies and children have their own guidance system, discerning how to tell your children as parents that you talk to aliens and dead people. Do you remember Bonkers? Hey Justin Trudeau, you need to leave parliament on a train because the aliens are coming! Everybody’s compass is different, so is everybody right? Where does the next generation find their spirituality? Imagine the world of spiritual bartering.




    Join our spiritual community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/meridianmindset

    Book a Reiki Session - https://platinumlighthealing.com

    Get an Energetic Armour - https://jupitermeridian.com/product/custom-traditional-silk-mala

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    46 min
  • The Death of those Still Living
    Feb 22 2023

    Janette and Tom discuss hanging to what was, even though the ebb and flow of the universe is asking you to let and allow. They discuss how the Purpose placed on your heart and deep in your intuition is of the highest order and must be followed. If you follow this call, and how everything “Pops” and comes at you at a lightning pace. Would you wave a magic wand to have a spiritual awakening if you had the choice?


    👉🏻 Join our spiritual community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/meridianmindset

    ✅ Book a Reiki Session - https://platinumlighthealing.com

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    ✅ Follow us on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/platinumlighthealing

    ✅ Subscribe to my YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@platinumlighthealing


    👉🏻 Join our spiritual community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/meridianmindset

    ✅ Get an Energetic Armour - https://jupitermeridian.com/product/custom-traditional-silk-mala

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    ✅ Subscribe to my YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@jupitermeridian

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    45 min