
  • Next week is another opportunity for cousins to exercise their rights to vote. (S3E15) 102721
    Dec 9 2021


    Potential questions to those asking you for your vote.
    What is your position on improving educational outcomes in our state or town?
    What was the Covid-19 relief money from the Federal Government spent on in our state or town
    Do you accept the impact of climate change on our state and if you do what is your positions on how to address it?
    The right to vote is a constitution right. Did we have a fair and accurate election in 2020 in our state or town? If yes, why should we change it. If not, what is the proof of inaccuracy and why didn’t we know about it sooner?
    What is your opinion of what happened at our nation’s capital on January 6 and what do you think should happen to those who accessed the capital?
    The 2020 census data is out for our state, how will you use that data to inform your decisions going forward?
    What do you see as the appropriate response to Covid 19 for our state or town moving forward?
    What is your opinion on a women’s right to reproductive rights?
    A lot of people are still hurting with unemployment, eviction, effects of COVID, etc., what do you think is the best ideas to help them out?

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    17 min
  • I want vs we need. Let's talk about it. (S3E14) 102021
    Dec 8 2021

    I want vs we need. Let's talk about it. (S3E14) 102021

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    12 min
  • Support our Post Office, they are in a difficult situation combined with bad ideas. S3E13 101321
    Dec 8 2021

    The United States Postal Service is under attached from the inside and from outside forces. Our friends and neighbors in the Postal Service need our support and patience.
    Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, prohibited delivery trucks from waiting for late mail or making extra trips, dismantled sorting machines, cut overtime, and reduced hours at retail post office locations.
    Senate Republicans would not confirm President Obama's appointees so President Trump had spots to fill and it is now filled with 4 rep, 2 dems and 3 open slots


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    17 min
  • China in space. They have come a long way in a short period of time. (S3E12) 100621
    Dec 8 2021

    China and their taikonauts are charting new areas in space exploration. They have closed the gap between them and the rest of the world in space exploration in very short order.

    Additionally, the Russians are participating in each of the space stations the Chinese one and the one sponsored by the United States.


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    18 min
  • The 2020 Census and why it matters to all of the cousins, (S3E11) 092821
    Dec 8 2021

    The 2020 Census is shipping to your state this month. Now, we all need to go to work on the important aspects of the information presented by the census.

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    13 min
  • Afghanistan, a quick review and observations of a difficult set of decisions. (S3E10) 092221
    Dec 8 2021


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    16 min
  • The new Texas laws on abortion (S3E9) 091521
    Dec 8 2021

    We have all heard the reports about the new Abortion Laws in Texas
    Abortion is a difficult decision – to make personally and it should be a personal decision with significant input by women
    Religious, moral, personal – you make the call but does it raise to the level of divisiveness for our country?
    We are turning cousins against cousins -- vigilantes and fugitive slave Act as a part of the Compromise of 1850
    Death penalty is legal in Texas
    Mask mandates are difficult to know about the Texas position

    Abortion is now decriminalized in Mexico Supreme Court
    Second largest Catholic nation in the world after Brazil
    Can’t access care
    It is reported that the law is for working class people because if you need or want one you can go to Mexico or other parts of the united States to get the procedure


    Also, let's air transport emergency crews from other states to those in need. Less time in transit, more energy on the critical restorative activities and cousins get their services back sooner. Bad idea or not?

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    14 min
  • Good results from Operation Warp Speed but now it is time to audit the program. (S3E8) 090821
    Dec 8 2021

    Operation Warp Speed helped to provide US cousins with COVID-19 vaccinations in record times. It is good management to audit a new program to understand what was good about the program what were bad ideas. Keep the good elements of the program and eliminate or improve the bad ideas.


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    10 min