
  • 013. Ayu’s Galactic Awakening - Healing Childhood Trauma, Awakening To Connections with Extraterrestrials & Other Interdimensional Beings
    Jun 11 2024

    In this episode, Ayu Sophia shares her cosmic awakening story and her experiences with extraterrestrials and interdimensional beings. She explains the concept of the soul and the soul group, and how her particular soul group comes in during times of great transition to help awaken and guide others. Ayu discusses the importance of understanding the bigger picture and our relationship with Mother Earth. She also talks about her early spiritual experiences and her journey of self-discovery, which included out-of-body experiences and encountering beings in different dimensions. Ayu then delves into her cosmic awakening, where she connected with ETs and learned about the true nature of humanity and the planet. She emphasizes the importance of healing and activating our DNA to fulfill our potential as a species. Ayu concludes by sharing a channeled message from the Arcturians about the ongoing ascension process.

    • The soul is part of a soul group that comes in times of great transition to help awaken and guide others.
    • Understanding the bigger picture and our relationship with Mother Earth is important for our awakening and evolution.
    • Early spiritual experiences can be confusing, but they can eventually make sense and lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world.
    • Exploring different perspectives and listening to other beings can provide valuable insights and help us reconsider our beliefs.
    • We are in a critical window of opportunity to raise our frequency and shift into a new level of light for the next cycle of energy.
    • Spiritual awakening can happen at a young age and lead to encounters with beings in different dimensions.
    • Disillusionment with mainstream media can lead to a deeper spiritual path.
    • Cosmic awakening involves connecting with ETs and learning about humanity's true nature and potential.
    • Healing and activating our DNA are essential for our individual and collective evolution.
    • The ongoing ascension process involves shifting our vibrational frequency and embodying more light.
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    1 h et 11 min
  • 012. Gurus, Guides & Outsourcing Your Power - Importance of Self-Responsibility & Discernment
    Jun 4 2024

    In this conversation, we discuss the topic of Gurus, Guides, and Outsourcing Your Power. In May 2024, an article was released about a spiritual cult known as Twin Ray and through the lens of this story, we discuss the importance of self responsibility, discernment and questioning everything as we navigate our spiritual paths.

    We discuss the dynamics of codependency and the victim oppressor that can play out in the spiritual and healing realms when we abdicate our power and look to others for all of our answers.

    We discuss the energetic imbalances that take place, and how we can empower ourselves by doing the inner healing work to become aware of our wounding and patterns before we seek external guidance.

    We close our conversation with a discussion on the cultivation of inner knowing and the role of intuition in navigating the spiritual journey.

    • Be discerning when seeking guidance on the spiritual journey and question everything
    • Avoid giving away power to external authorities and cultivate self-direction and self-responsibility
    • Trust your own inner wisdom, intuition and discernment when seeking guidance and healing on the spiritual path.
    • Do not give away your personal power to others; remember that true healers are there to assist, not to heal you.
    • You have all the resources within you to navigate your path. Seek those that help you gain access to that so that you are the leader of your life.
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    1 h et 4 min
  • 011. Helen’s Awakening Journey - Miraculous Healing & Activation of Gifts
    May 28 2024

    In today’s episode, we are joined by Helen Fletcher, an energy healer and spiritual guide. She shares her journey from being a research nurse to embracing spirituality after a profound awakening experience.

    She recounts her experience of healing her beloved cat, Mac, from a tumor, sparking her curiosity and leading her to explore the world beyond the physical. Helen's life transformed as she delved into spirituality, energy healing, and developing her intuitive abilities.

    Helen shares the challenges and lessons she has learned through her awakening journey, including her recent experience with her energetic and mischievous puppy, Murphy.

    She emphasizes the importance of cultivating a holistic approach to healing and understanding the power of our thoughts and beliefs in creating our reality.

    • Profound awakenings can lead to a complete shift in perspective and a deep exploration of spirituality.
    • Challenges and obstacles are often opportunities for growth and self-discovery.
    • Pets can serve as spiritual teachers, bringing up our shadow aspects and helping us confront and heal unresolved issues.
    • Embracing spirituality and personal growth can bring a sense of fulfillment and purpose to life. Awakening experiences can lead to a deeper understanding of spirituality and the integration of science and spirituality.
    • Cultivating intuitive abilities and healing skills is a practice that can be developed over time.
    • A holistic approach to healing involves integrating Western medicine with complementary therapies.
    • Our thoughts and beliefs have a powerful impact on our reality and can be harnessed for healing and personal growth.
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    1 h et 4 min
  • 010. Spiritual Ego & Bypassing - Post Awakening Traps & How To Work With Them
    May 21 2024

    In this conversation, we explore the topics of spiritual ego and spiritual bypassing and share our own personal experiences to help highlight these common traps and challenges that can arise after a spiritual awakening.

    We discuss the importance of recognizing and working through these patterns, while also cultivating compassion for ourselves.

    We explore the concepts of humility, paradox, and the need to embrace both the light and shadow aspects of the spiritual journey.

    And we discuss in depth the tools, modalities, and practices that have helped us each to heal egoic identity structures and thought patterns and develop the skills and abilities to be with our difficult emotions and grow through the experiencing of them.

    We hope you find this episode enlightening and valuable.

    • Spiritual ego is the identification with spiritual ideas and beliefs, leading to a sense of superiority or separation from others.
    • Spiritual bypassing is the use of spiritual practices to avoid facing unresolved emotional issues or psychological wounds.
    • Both spiritual ego and spiritual bypassing are common experiences on the spiritual journey and can be overcome with self-awareness and compassion.
    • The spiritual path involves embracing both the light and shadow aspects of oneself and recognizing the paradoxes that arise.
    • Perfection is not the goal of the spiritual journey; instead, it is about cultivating a sense of wholeness and embracing the challenges and growth opportunities that arise. True self-love comes from doing the inner work and healing egoic identity structures and thought patterns.
    • Navigating life's challenges requires developing tools to manage difficult emotions and not bypassing them.
    • Acceptance is key in the spiritual journey, understanding that not every week will be awesome.
    • Offering spiritual truths to others requires sensitivity and respect for their feelings and experiences.
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    1 h et 6 min
  • 009. Owning Our Weird - Honouring our true selves & living our design
    May 14 2024

    In this conversation, we discuss the importance of embracing our authentic selves, owning our unique qualities, and celebrating our weirdness.

    We share our personal experiences of feeling different and trying to fit in, and how astrology, human design, and gene keys have helped us understand and accept ourselves.

    We touch on the limitations of the traditional education system and the potential for alternative models of learning.

    And explore the idea of success and how societal programming can make us reject parts of ourselves that don't fit the mold and emphasize the importance of recognizing and honoring our innate abilities and finding our own path to fulfillment.

    • Embracing our authentic selves and owning our unique qualities is essential for personal growth and fulfillment.
    • Astrology, human design, and gene keys can provide valuable insights into our innate abilities and help us understand and accept ourselves.
    • Societal programming often makes us reject parts of ourselves that don't fit the mold of what is considered 'normal' or 'successful'.
    • Success is subjective and varies for each individual. It's important to define success based on our own values and desires.
    • Recognizing and honoring our innate abilities can lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.
    • Break free from societal expectations and live according to your own desires and values
    • Question the limitations of the traditional education system and explore alternative models of learning
    • Celebrate your weirdness and embrace your authentic self
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    1 h et 5 min
  • 008. Nadine’s Awakening - Embracing The Divine Feminine
    May 7 2024

    In this episode, we are joined by Nadine Reader who shares with us her path of awakening.

    Nadine’s journey took her from living life in the masculine energy and hustle culture to deeply embracing the feminine and discovering what true self-love is.

    In our conversation, Nadine shares with us the moment of crisis and self-reflection that led her to ask deeper questions about her life and she speaks to the importance of self-responsibility and taking ownership of one's choices.

    Finally, she emphasises the significance of embracing our individual journeys and finding our unique paths to self-discovery and encourages listeners to tap into their own magic and embrace their true essence.

    • Living in authenticity requires courage and the willingness to embrace the challenges that come with it.
    • Moving through grief and embracing the feminine are important aspects of the awakening journey.
    • The awakening journey brings gifts such as deeper self-love, connection with nature, and a sense of presence.
    • Self-responsibility with self-compassion is key to embracing one's true essence and living a fulfilling life.
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    1 h
  • 007. Fruzsina’s Awakening - Activation Through Energy, Movement & The Body
    Apr 30 2024

    In this conversation, we are joined by guest Fruzsina Szemzo who shares her fascinating journey of spiritual awakening that happened during a deep meditation. This experience was both a deep healing and an activation of her intuitive gifts.

    We discuss the importance of working with the body in the awakening process and how movement can help us process and release limiting beliefs and stagnant energies and create space for us to experience something new.

    We also go deep into what it really means to live authentically post an awakening, the ego deaths that take place so that we can stand in our truth, and the importance of learning to let go.

    And so much more. This is an episode that covers a lot of interesting ground. We hope you enjoy it.

    • The body plays a crucial role in the awakening process, and movement and music can be powerful tools for shifting energy.
    • Ego deaths are painful but necessary for growth and transformation.
    • Letting go is a continuous process that involves releasing attachments and facing the shadow aspects of ourselves.
    • We are in a pivotal time of building a new world, and those who hold the sacred knowledge and are committed to their soul purposes are creating a stronger foundation.
    • Self-acceptance and releasing judgment are key to personal growth and spiritual liberation.
    • The healing of the masculine energy is crucial for the well-being of men and society as a whole.
    • Owning your truth and living with integrity is essential for personal growth and spiritual evolution.
    • Being a wayshower and going first requires courage and a commitment to authenticity.
    • Embracing your unique path and expressing yourself freely can lead to personal fulfillment and empowerment.
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    58 min
  • 006. Navigating The Challenges of Awakening - How Dark Times Hold Our Greatest Potential
    Apr 23 2024

    In this episode, we have an open, honest, and candid conversation about the challenges of the awakening process. We share our personal experiences of navigating a world filled with fear and how to be with what is while keeping our hearts open to the full potential that challenging times truly offer and the power that we have to effect that change.

    We dive into understanding consciousness and the ascension process and how we can use what triggers us to help us transform and heal.

    We also explore the themes of moving from victimization to freedom, reclaiming our power, seeing the truth in others, and the importance of love, compassion, and self-discovery in our awakening journey.

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    59 min