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  • Taboo Sex Stories: The Explicit and Exciting Erotic Stories for Adults with Tantric Sex, Sex Positions for Couples, Kama Sutra, and Dirty Talk

  • De : Nara Jones
  • Lu par : Clare Dennis
  • Durée : 5 h et 10 min

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Taboo Sex Stories: The Explicit and Exciting Erotic Stories for Adults with Tantric Sex, Sex Positions for Couples, Kama Sutra, and Dirty Talk

De : Nara Jones
Lu par : Clare Dennis
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    Do you want to get better sexual satisfaction with your partner?

    Do you want to reintroduce passion, fun, excitement, orgasms, fulfillment, and more into your sex life?

    If so, then keep listening!

    Hello! Welcome to Taboo Sex Stories.

    In this guide, you will learn the exciting sex positions and will be left getting excited to try right away. This book is made for that kind of feeling; thus, it was made to be short but compact and full of information. This book explores breathtaking taboo sex stories that will give you and your partner ultimate pleasure and comfort. This has been done using an easily understandable and demonstrative language that suits every listener around the globe.

    The guide also shows you how these phrases can be adapted to different erotic role-play scenarios and fantasies.

    This book will help you do that with the best sex positions for couples along with powerful tips and advice that will help you find fun, excitement, energy, fulfillment, and happiness in having sex! Every couple needs a naughty sex life starting from the newlyweds, just dating to the happily married

    This guide will provide you with all the knowledge you would like to develop your real sexual potential so that you and your partner can experience moments of utmost pleasure like never before.

    Here's what makes this book special:

    • Taboo sex stories
    • Tantric sex stories
    • Tantric sex positions
    • The content of kama sutra
    • The proper application of the kama sutra
    • Kama sutra - standing positions of the kama sutra
    • And so much more!

    Do you like to know more?

    Then get your audiobook today!

    ©2020 Nara Jones (P)2020 Nara Jones

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